Results for: skount

Skount Depicts “The Golden Ray”

It may look like a gold medallion doorbell, or a fingerprint scanning ID validator, or an icon to poke to open up a celestial app, but Amsterdam Street Artist Skount says it is about accessing cosmic currents of energy. Skount. Process shot. Amsterdam, May 2017. (photo © Skount) That may feel a little esoteric for

Skount Peels Off “Time Layers” in Spain

“Dude how was the weekend?” “Rad, dude! I partied my face off!” Skount. Almagro, Spain. November 2016. (photo © Skount) Skount is probably depicting something slightly more esoteric than that Bro-based expression for drinking large quantities of beer and having awkward conversations with women at a party. We’ve all been there, don’t judge. Skount. Almagro,

Flowers Growing Out of Your Eyes: Skount Finds Fertile Soil in Ruins

A lot of people like to go hiking and exploring this time of year in the Northern Hemisphere. The weather is cooler, the leaves are turning colors, and because of our proximity to Halloween, many abandoned houses and factories seem haunted with their former inhabitants. It’s also the end of the growing season, the harvest

Skount “Tempus Fugit” : Time Waits for No Person

Spanish Skount in the Netherlands wonders today about the evaporation of time, ever slipping from your fingers. He says his new mural, of which he has done perhaps a hundred that we know of over the last few years, is inspired by a quote about time by the poet Virgil, “Tempus Fugit” “Sed fugit interea,

Skount Ferries You To Hell via Amsterdam

Go to Hell! Pay your fare! In Greek mythology there is a ferry man who will take you there in a boat. Skount brings all of this to the beach in Amsterdam in a quick mural he put up last week. In his capitalist critique, only the rich can afford the ride across the rivers

Skount Levitates From Under an Overpass

Introverts of the World Unite! Brother, its hard out here. Not just the economy and the evaporating social net and the haters. But for the introverted types, and there are many in society, just having a public face and interacting with lots of people on the street and at your job or in the barber

Skount and the Projected Mask of Self

Periodically it is a worthy practice to consider how many masks one wears, and why. What are you projecting? What are you concealing? Or are you simply an open book for all to read, no constructed identity whatsoever; just a fresh wholesome apple growing on this tree ready to be picked? Skount. Projections – Internal

Skount, Laguna and Cerezo and Their Delusions of Quixote

“When life itself seems lunatic, who knows where madness lies? Perhaps to be too practical is madness. To surrender dreams — this may be madness. Too much sanity may be madness — and maddest of all: to see life as it is, and not as it should be!” ― Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra, Don Quixote

Skount “To Be Or Not To Be”, Sarah Bernhardt & James Lafayette

Skount is debating whether to be or not in this adaptation of a hundred plus year old photo of Sarah Bernhardt, who holds the court jester Yorick’s skull in hand. A grave contemplation of suicide that leads the Hamlet character to contemplate the great leveling force of death on all stations and classes, this particular

Skount and Rone : Lady Lying Under an Amsterdam Bridge

Collaboration between artists can be fraught with peril; styles don’t mesh, egos don’t play nice, mismatched palettes produce nausea. Here is an example when it works. Rone’s realist/pulp fiction figures wouldn’t normally dance with Skounts’ folk patterns and mystical symbols but here they are complimentary. Rone provides the girl, Skount gives her a dress. Skount