“Mais agencés en ballet subtil par FAITH XLVII, il nous fait aussi prendre conscience de notre
dérisoire et pourtant précieuse divinité.”
The South African graffiti writer, muralist, and contemporary urban artist has traveled the world extensively and worked tirelessly to develop her milieu, her point of view, and her own spectacular visual language over the last two decades plus. Now her exhibition C/air-Obscur at Musée des Beaux-Arts will present forty works – drawings, tapestries, polaroids, videos, and multimedia installations that are the results of her experimentation and exploration on two levels of the gallery.
A research on shadow and light. About nature. About our behavior. The conscious and the subconscious. Connection and dissonance. The inner world and the outer world,” she says. “The phases of the moon ranging from fullness to absence. Creativity and responsiveness. Sound and silence. An interdependence of the two.”
It is a show that brings you the artist in her fullness, as she has grown creatively to embrace many disciplines and many routes of internal discovery and being. The exhibition will be familiar and new in its pursuits over two levels. “The C/air-Obscur exhibition is structured in two planes,” she explains, “mixing darkness and light in equal parts, from a bright space on the ground floor dedicated to virulent drawings to a dark space upstairs presenting mysterious and paradoxically soothing videos.”
3, place Stanislas
54000 Nancy
Faith XLVII Clair – Obscur at the Musee des Beaux-Arts in Nancy, France opens to the general public on April 9th, 2023.
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