Dispatch From Isolation #6 : Rich Go to Head of Line for Testing of Covid-19

Why does it seem the rich and famous get tested for coronavirus while others don’t?

That is an excellent question from The Boston Globe. Others are beginning to ask this question, including The New York Post , The Guardian, and The LA Times,

Even the New York Times says “Need a Coronavirus Test? Being Rich and Famous May Help.”

Street Artist Trustocorp shows us how art reflects life in these messages on new signposts in the street. If only the corporate cable news were so clear.

Trusto Corp (photo courtesy of the artist)

How does this situation happen so seamlessly and without your involvement? Quick answer: Privatization of Health Care. 

That’s why Medicare for All is sounding better every day. It’s so much more obvious as we watch the unfolding disaster in a country that has allowed every aspect of its social net to be sold off to private companies in the last 40 years, turned into for-profit ventures, not service to citizens. Certainly not poor citizens, working poor citizens, non-citizens, middle class citizens.

Here we see art reflecting life. And death.