Yes, money falling from the sky, that’s what people pray for sometimes.
As long as those metal coins flying at high speed don’t hit you or your dog, it would appear to be a splendid idea. INO had the scenario in mind in Ibiza, Spain for the BLOOP festival, and he painted this mural of a girl on the side of a hotel. He’s calling it “Hopeless’.
INO. “Hopeless” Bloop Festival 2018. Ibiza, Spain. (photo © INO)
While we don’t sidestep the financial suffering of the many millions of families who are neighbors on the Earth, you also know that sometimes money is not the solution to everything.
Recently The Simple Dollar website compiled a list of 100 things to do for free, and while they don’t apply universally, especially when your fundamental needs are not being being met, the list is an excellent way to imagine larger parts of life without seeing them through the prism of cash.
For INO, this mural is likely a topic more serious – when one feels so desperate as to pray for money.
INO. “Hopeless” Bloop Festival 2018. Ibiza, Spain. (photo © INO)
INO. “Hopeless” Bloop Festival 2018. Ibiza, Spain. (photo © INO)
INO. “Hopeless” Bloop Festival 2018. Ibiza, Spain. (photo © INO)
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