Still snorking around looking for something nice for a Kwanzaa Gift? Here are two nice crisp prints by two of the new-gen renaissance print masters… and one is going on sale tomorrow.
For more information go to HERE
The print will be available on Nelly Duff tomorrow!
***********************And for those of you who don’t have the bucks for some arty-prints…
OWW! MY HEAD! Talk about your Economic Indicators*
Based on the old children’s favorite aggression release and hand-eye coordination game Whack-a-Mole…
Now there is WHACK-A-BANKER (available in the U.K. only so far)
Taxpaying adults who footed the bill for the bank bailout but yet strangely cannot get a loan or a job may really enjoy taking out some of that frustration on the
“Whack-A-Banker” game.
I got yer Year End Bonus Right Here! Ga-Zoinks!
*Thanks to Kent at the Rachel Maddow show