Welcome to BSA Images of the Week, where New York keeps pushing forward through this stormy winter – although the amount of new street art and graffiti dissipates this time of year as artists stay in their creative caves, waiting for spring. Hang in there peeps.
It’s still cold today so you may want to check out the last day of the Christian Dior show at Brooklyn Museum, or you can see BG183’s solo exhibition at Wallworks in the Bronx, or Daze’s solo show in Manhattan at PPOW.
Great news for New York artists this week: artists can now apply for a monthly stipend of $1,000. This is big news because unlike a lot of Europe, the US and its institutions do not support artists or cultural workers.
Bad news for the orange man in New York this week: The Supreme Court says he and his progeny have to testify under oath, after the Attorney General uncovered “copious evidence of possible financial fraud”. Perhaps Ivanka can consult with her friends Christine Lagarde or Angela Merkel about what to say.
Speaking of exemplary New Yorkers, Jeffery Epstein’s friend Jean-Luc Brunel has been found dead in his prison cell, mysteriously. One of Epstein’s other friends, Prince Andrew, reportedly settled out of court this week. “Prince Andrew reportedly agreed to never again deny raping Virginia Giuffre”, says the New York Post, The Independent, and The Sun. The Times says: “A new nursery rhyme is doing the rounds at the Palace:
‘The grand old Duke of York,
he had 12 million quid.
He gave it to someone he’d never met,
for something he never did’”.
Jesus, let’s go out for a walk and see if we discover some new street art.
Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring: Skewville, Specter, City Kitty, Adam Fujita, Pork, Jason Naylor, Below Key, Lexi Bella, Jowl, Nimek, Klonism, Harvey Ball, Eloy Bida, Kat Blouch, Timmy Ache, and Eyedao.