All posts tagged: This Space Available

Fun Friday 11.04.11

1. Checking in on the GAIA tour – Haarlem, NL
2. Faile “Fragments of Faile” at Lazarides in London
3. Anthony Lister in Sydney “Bogan Paradise”
4. “Thinkers of This” – “Other” and Stinkfish at Brooklynite Saturday
5. Jef Aerosol “Walking Shadows”
6. Lady Pink at Woodward Gallery Tonight “Evolution”

Checking in on the GAIA tour – Haarlem, NL

New York Street Artist GAIA is sending missives from the road as he travels – Here’s a piece employing one of his new techniques of overlaying historical portraits on architecture evocative of their time and geography.  This one of W.E.B. Dubois creates the connection between cities and peoples.

“A simple portrait of WEB Dubois juxtaposed with three brownstones from Harlem, in Haarlem, NL. the village from which the name of the New York neighborhood is derived,” says Gaia.

Image of Gaia © Nicole Blommers

Faile “Fragments of Faile” at Lazarides in London

The Brooklyn Collective Faile new solo show “Fragments of Faile” opens to the general public today at Lazarides Gallery in London.

Faile. Studio process shot. (photo © courtesy of Faile)

For further information regarding this show please click on the link below:

Anthony Lister in Sydney “Bogan Paradise”

In connection with the big “Outpost” festival on Cockatoo Island in Sydney’s harbor this weekend, Anthony Lister’s show “Bogan Paradise” ppens today at the Gallery A.S.

Anthony Lister. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click on the link below:

“Thinkers of This” – “Other” and Stinkfish at Brooklynite Saturday

These two talents are putting together a full installation at Brooklynite in Bed Stuy right now. The full story for you tomorrow here on BSA. Check it.

Troy Lovegates AKA Other. Backyard Installation at Brooklynite. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Stinkfish. Backyard Installation at Brooklynite. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click on the link below:

Jef Aerosol “Walking Shadows”

French Stencil Artist Icon Jef Aerosol solo show “Walking Shadows” opens on Saturday in Rouens, France:


Jef Aerosol (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information reagarding this show click on the link below:

Lady Pink at Woodward Gallery Tonight “Evolution”

The American Graffiti Legend Lady Pink show “Evolution” opens today at Woodward Gallery:

Lady Pink (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click on the link below:

Also happening this weekend:

PONGTOPIA! Curated by Billi Kid at The Winter Garden. Click here for details.

Paul Insect show “Triptease Revue” at Post no Bills in Venice Beach, CA. Click here for details.

Guerrilla Garden’s “Blacklisted” at Black Book Gallery in Denver, CO. Click here for details.

Emotional Branding Screening of the film “This Space Available” at IFC Center in Manhattan. Click here for details.

SEE ONE “Technicolor Daydreams” At Brooklyn Oenology. Click here for details.



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Emotional Branding Presents: “This Space Available” (Manhattan, NYC)

This Space Available


The grassroots movement against visual pollution

A documentary film directed by

Gwenaelle Gobe

Executive Producer: Marc Gobe/Emotional Branding

World Premiere at IFC Center/ New York

Saturday November 5th  Time: 7:00 PM

Tuesday November 8th     Time: 1:15 PM

Billboards and commercial messages dominate the public space like never before. But is a movement taking shape to reverse this trend?

In This Space Available, filmmaker Gwenaëlle Gobé says yes. Influenced by the writing of her father, Marc Gobé (Emotional Branding), this new director brings energy and urgency to stories of people around the world fighting to reclaim their public spaces from visual pollution.

From 240 hours of film, 160 interviews and visits to 11 countries on five continents, This Space Available charts a fascinating variety of struggles against unchecked advertising and suggests that more than aesthetics is at stake. If Jacques Attali once called noise pollution an act of violence, is visual pollution also such an act? Should we also consider, as one Mumbai resident says, “which classes of society can write their messages on the city and which classes of society are marginalized?”

Gobé offers a canny generational analysis of visual pollution, laying blame not just with the advertising juggernaut but also an entire generation of Baby Boomers, whose consumption-based culture has implicated them in the environmental fallout.  She argues that it’s her generation, left to do the cleaning up, that is now leading the fight back.

But the filmmaker also recognizes the history and politics behind this fight. Turning to such legislation as the Highway Beautification Act of 1965, Gobé shows how the enforcement of this landmark law, designed to regulate outdoor advertising on America’s roadways, has steadily eroded.  And today, public space activist Jordan Seiler faces harsh penalties for covering illegal outdoor ads with art, while officials turn a blind eye to illegally erected billboards.

Still, the film strikes a hopeful tone. A standout interview features Gilberto Kassab, the popular mayor of Sao Paulo, who threw a stone into the quiet pond of the billboard industry by successfully banning outdoor media in his city – the eighth largest in the world. The move is not without precedent: Houston’s 1980 billboard ban was also a deliberate tactic to improve its flagging image, economic competitiveness, and quality of life.

In the end, This Space Available challenges audiences to recognize that aesthetics and beauty go hand in hand with responsibility. Gobé asks why brands continue to ally themselves with an industry that cuts down trees, hogs energy, and spends its profits in courts and statehouse lobbies, especially while younger consumers push for improved corporate citizenship? And is everyone equally to blame for enabling the spread of visual pollution, while other humble individuals show that it’s possible to reverse it?

The film navigates these issues without promoting a universal solution. Gobé instead weaves together stories reflecting diverse local responses to an increasingly global condition. This Space Available compels audiences to consider these stories long after the film ends, or at least to remember them each time we speed by a billboard.

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