It looks like it is a matter of survival of the fittest for the two women here painted by the Dutch street artist and muralist Judith de Leeuw, whose street moniker is JDL. A vague reference to the birds who get saturated by oil spills, the floundering figure is destined to drown thanks to thoughtless greed. Meanwhile, so far, one still lives – whether by wit or plum luck.

Part of the Roman “Street Art for Rights Forum Festival,” the 40-meter mural on the Serpentone in Corviale is meant as an allusion tangentially to the climate crises, says the press release. More directly, it points to an unchecked brutal capitalism that picks winners and losers as it ravages the earth and its people. The mural, organizers say, is “a metaphor for a society blinded by profit, that is heading for self-destruction, aiming for the maximum today regardless of the future.”

In recognition of those who came before her JDL “chose not to erase some inscriptions created by residents of the neighborhood” at the base of the building when creating her new work. The artist would like to thank street artists Spike, Smok, Marqus, Boogie, Joys, and the Street Art for Rights team for operational support for her mural.