All posts tagged: Stephen

Fun Friday 07.01.11 : Fourth of July Weekend


Wishing everybody a happy, safe and celebratory Fourth of July. Don’t play with fire kiddies!


Photo © Jaime Rojo


Photo © Jaime Rojo


Photo © Jaime Rojo

“Outside In” Opens (Stavanger, Norway)

Martyn Reed the affable bad boy from Norway curates this new show of urban and street artists who are equally at home tackling antiquated etching techniques, watercolors, drawing and oil painting as they are with a spraycan and marker.  Says the impresario “On July 1st we’ll be opening one of Scandinavia’s, and certainly Norway’s, largest exhibitions dedicated to street and urban art.”


Image of a piece by Nick Walker © and courtesy Reed Projects

brooklyn-street-art-martyn-reed-outside-in-stavanger-4-webThey are arriving by the boatload for “Outside In”. Hope there is valet parking. (Photo © courtesy Martyn Reed)



A little preview of “Outside In” © courtesy Martyn Reed

K-Guy Print Release

And today in London K-Guy will release a series of prints of his Primate Pontificate piece seen here on the streets of New York:

brooklyn-street-art-K-Guy-jaime-rojo-10-10-see-no-hear-no-speak-no-1-webK-Guy “Primate Pontificate” (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For more information about the different color-ways of this print and where to buy it click below:

Miss Van “Bailarinas” (VIDEO)

French born Street Artist Miss Van talks about here recent show at Jonathan Levine “Bailarinas” via Babelgum by Friends We Love.

A Cell Phone Movie: The Split Screen Life of a NY/LDN Romance (VIDEO)

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