All posts tagged: Skorface

Daze Talks About São Paulo’s 2nd Graffiti Biennial

2ª Bienal de Graffiti Fine Art

With an overview of a variety of styles and techniques used in the graffiti scene at the moment, São Paulo is hosting its 2nd international biennial of graffiti and fine art through February 17th. Along with a number of recognized Brazilian names, Museu Brasileiro da Escultura (MuBE) is hosting international graffiti artists and writers from countries around the world including Angola, Canada, France, Germany, Holland, Italy, Japan, Peru, Portugal, Russia, and the US. With 150,000 visitors per year, you know that a lot of graffiti fans are going to get to see this show this month New York graffiti artist Daze was there to represent and he shares with BSA readers his experiences from the event, as well as some excellent photos he chose to represent some of the works in progress and some of the finished works.

“The museum architecturally is a wonderful place and one is encouraged to roam around the grounds and view sculptural works by various national artists. In existence since 1986, rumor has it a shopping mall was originally intended to be built on this site but, after much protesting, a museum was built instead.

ODeith, Portugal. (photo © Daze)

The biennial is curated by Binho Ribiero, or “Binho”, as he is more commonly known on the streets in Sao Paulo. A catalyst for many group exhibitions and events in the city, Binho is and old-school writer from the scene and his work can be seen everywhere in Sao Paulo. Arguably one of the most famous Brazillian graff writers, he’s a natural in terms of curating an exhibition of this size and scale.

It was really great to be a part of this and I was really impressed by the diversity in the show. Many of the artists have not had much experience showing their work in either galleries of museums but nevertheless the quality level was quite high. I also saw that all of the artists showed a level of camaraderie and respect that I haven’t seen in some time.” ~ Daze

Shalak, Canada. (photo © Daze)

Daze, USA. Process shot. (photo © Daze)

Daze, USA. Process shot. (photo © Daze)

Daze, USA. (photo © Daze)

Cranio, Sao Paulo. (photo © Daze)

Aira, Rio de Janeiro. (photo © Daze)

SWK, Rio de Janeiro. (photo © Daze)

Skorface, Angola. (photo © Daze)

Noe2 at work. (photo © Daze)

Eder Muniz, Salvador Bahia. (photo © Daze)

Eco, Rio de Janeiro. (photo © Daze)

ECB, Germany. (photo © Daze)

Daze didn’t know who this artist was but he liked his work. (photo © Daze)
Update: “It´s me Galo from São Paulo! It was so nice meet Daze here in São Paulo!”

From left to right: Congo, Fumaca and Binho. (photo © Daze)

Our very special thanks to Daze for sharing his words and photos with BSA readers.


2ª Bienal Internacional Graffiti Fine Art is at MuBE – Museu Brasileiro da Escultura from January 22 – Febr 17, 2013.

Admission is free.
Address: Av. Europa, 218. São Paulo
Information: 11 2594-2601,

See Daze in the video of a local news story on the exhibition below.

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