Our weekly interview with the streets
- The desire to regenerate Viking manhood through heroic struggle meets Dior. (El Sol 25) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Interstitial musings on cranial sacral therapy (El Sol 25) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Coming to terms with his own past as a weak and sickly boy. (El Sol 25) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- A futuristic and intense psycho drama playing out with xray vision enabling the clear view of Janet’s nether region. (photo Jaime Rojo)
- The national savings rate must increase, even if a few coins at a time. (Tian) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- The noble hippie, bare-chested and defiant, sucks in his gut and clutches his ham and swiss hero. (Trovadour) (photo Jaime Rojo)
Apolo Torres, Mundano, & Loro Verz at Factory Fresh (photo Jaime Rojo)
- I hate to seem aggressive but I really need you to use your bathroom. Please give me the key. (Bast) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Sepia Beauty (photo Jaime Rojo)
- And which one would we call illegal? (El Sol 25) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- With manly legs pumping furiously, Ned, Accounting Super Hero, rushes to deposit the clients’ jewelry before the bank closes. (El Sol 25) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Un aplauso por el Conejo! (Gaia) (photo Jaime Rojo)
Time to come out of the bushes! (Know Hope) (photo Jaime Rojo)
Know Hope behind the grating (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Last night I really blew it. Two packs of smokes, a tin of tuna, some lemonade soda, and a tub of watermelon. I really gotta stop before I lose an arm or something. (Know Hope) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Natural beauty in the garden of Eldridge (Lady Pink) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- I’m thinking of a small town I visited last night in a dream (Os Gemeos) (detail) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- Yes, we’ll go in a minute, I’m just checking my messages (Os Gemeos) (detail) (photo Jaime Rojo)
- And when he leans over the railing, I’ll pounce! (Space Invader) (photo Jaime Rojo)