Last Thursday Factory Fresh Gallery hosted “Fresh Geezers”, a new show by The London Police and Galo. In a departure from his regular street art job, photographer Vinny Cornelli takes Brooklyn Street Art to the opening with these shots.

- Detail of a London Police canvass featuring Chaz and Bobbie running for their lives! © Vincent Cornelli

Fans react to the news that The London Police are not actually police. © Vincent Cornelli

A colorful Galo piece (© Vincent Cornelli)

A sepia toned Galo (© Vincent Cornelli)

The back wall at Factory Fresh by Galo (© Vincent Cornelli)

Smiling is contagious! (© Vincent Cornelli)

Mid-western tourists in Times Square? No, it's the London Police! (© Vincent Cornelli)

- Chaz is wildly thrilled with the turnout. (© Vincent Cornelli)

- Geezers (The London Police) (© Vincent Cornelli)

Galo (© Vincent Cornelli)

- Sailor felt that the whole show was a high-flying success (with dad Logan Hicks) (© Vincent Cornelli)

"So I says to her, I says, 'Haven't we met someplace before?'. She says, 'Yeah I'm the receptionist at the V.D. clinic'." (© Vincent Cornelli)

Galo made a bird shelter from some old canvasses (© Vincent Cornelli)

"Word son, did you see when the chic unlocked their handcuffs and dragged him into another room with her?" (© Vincent Cornelli)

Time to fly home. (© Vincent Cornelli)
text by Brooklyn Street Art