Spidertag continues his mission of interpolating neon in public and private spaces around the world, this time conjuring his “Interactive Immersive Neon Space #1 -IINS#1”, which appears at the cultural space/café/bistro Amasada in Timisoara, Romania.
“I did this project trying to take all the power of my neons and the good vibes and energy of my symbols and signs to create a space full of colors and hope,” he says.
“My proposal for this year’s mural is a kind of post-graffiti,” says the Bucharest-based member of Sweet Damage Crew, using a term being bandied about by scholars and academics these days to describe the period we are now in, as well as the number of art practices being employed on the street today.
An fan and experienced practitioner of the traditional graffiti letter form, Lost Optics says that he is updating his personal practice by defragmenting them – perhaps feeding them through a refracting optic glass? With modern elements of glitch and pixel art, you can see how this new mural may be his interpretation of urban in the context of digital media.
The festival is produced by the ART FACTORY Transylvania Association, a group of artists and professionals who are interested in promoting the city as well as bringing art to the youth in this picturesque 13th century metropolis of 425,000 in southern Romania with winding cobblestone streets, Germanic architecture, the Brukental Palace, Evangelical Cathedral and Bukenthal National Museum.
The murals created this year by two dozen local and international artists are added to those of the first two Sibiu Street Art festivals for a full fledged two hour bicycle tour. These pieces of course are fully realized legal murals: Not sure where to go to see actual Street Art, but local writers and crews can surely show you the way.
Camilo (Pt)
Otto Constantin
Ștefan Radu Crețu
D 21
Jabra 22
Kaps Crew
Lost Optics
Lucian Sandu Milea
Pisica Pătrată
Mircea Popescu
Robert Roca
Sweet Damage Crew
The Orion
Ana Toma
Urka (It)
Wasp Elder (UK)
Welcome to New York! Apparently there is some sort of sporting event happening today here. Or is in New Jersey? So hard to tell. Something to do with tobogganing or something. Winter Olympics maybe?
Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this week featuring Chor Boogie, Chromo, Dain, Deived, El Sol 25, Jesse James, Katsu, Luut, Mr. Toll, Reve, Sen2, The Orion, UNO.
Romania in Da House! That’s right yo, Allan Dalla are as funny as they are talented and you can reach right inside the mind of a child to get the playful poppy organic geometrics that wrap their figures and fantasies. The Romanian Street Art collective teamed up with Kero to make this big pot of “Geometrip Soup” and kids from the neighborhood were there to cheer them on, their mere presence bringing the street alive.
Also make sure to check out the video after the pics to see how you can make a fun Saturday in your house with just a few ingredients and some imagination. Kids! Try this at home!
In 2011 Allan Dalla made this with Platonic Forms for their project Cosmonotrips. We have shown it on these pages but it never gets old. See it again or see it for the first time.
1. “Anti-Social Networking” Show by Skewville at Black Book (Denver)
2. Oh MOMO You Didn’t! That’s right. (Philadelphia)
3. Street Art Tribute to Steve Jobs on Bond Street in Manhattan (VIDEO)
4. Swoon and Olek on the TV Machine (VIDEO)
5. Cape Town Crushes Rochester, New York (VIDEO)
6. Formaje In Romania (VIDEO)
7. HOPE and Craola in Connecticut (VIDEO)
8. Anthony Lister Plays with Fire (VIDEO)
“Anti-Social Networking” Show by Skewville at Black Book (Denver)
You’ve been Skewvilled again, this time with a number of their “friends, including BAST. The constellation of connections you can make will be revelatory. Like.
For more information about this show please click on the link below:
The post-graffiti abstract Street Artist MOMO is in Philadelphia for a small group show with Amber Dubois and Steven Riddle opening today at the Space 1026 Gallery. It’s an opportunity to see three painters exploring traditional issues of abstraction. Through their use of color, shape and form – each in their own distinct but related mediums of painting, collage and sculpture respectively. Check it.
Street Art Tribute to Steve Jobs on Bond Street in Manhattan
A poorly shot little video of this lenticular tribute to Steve Jobs, but you get the idea. Yesterday there were many tributes to the founder of Apple in front of the Apple stores in Manhattan, as many people were clearly affected by the creative genius of the guy over the last 3 decades. Our thoughts go to his family and friends.
Swoon and Olek on the TV Machine
PBS ARTS has a new short film with two female Street Artists SWOON and OLEK for their series “Off Book”. Watch it below- sorry about the commercial at the start of the video.
Cape Town Crushes Rochester, New York
This summer in July a group of four artists from Cape Town, South Africa traveled to Rochester, New York to collaborate on a series of murals with local artists. Watch Faith47, Make1one, Dal, and Freddy Sam at work. This privately funded project was sponsored by the Synthesis Collaborative, a non-profit based in Rochester.
Formaje In Romania
Here is a teaser for their upcoming show Cosmonotrips. Short but fun!
HOPE and Craola in Connecticut
The Beast Brothers presents HOPE X CRAOLA getting work done in New Haven, CT. Video by Carlos East.
Anthony Lister Plays with Fire
Anthony Lister talks to Frank 151 in West Hollywood, CA. while playing with fire. See our interview with Mr. Lister posted last week after you watch the video, if you like.
Interpreting Warmia’s Hidden Patterns from Above and Within Bartek Swiatecki’s latest book, Warmioptikum, is a striking fusion of abstract painting …Read More »
Reprinted from the original review. “Graffiti Grrlz: Performing Feminism in the Hip Hop Diaspora” by Jessica Nydia Pabón-Colón provides an …Read More »