All posts tagged: RAS Gallery

Fun Friday 05.18.12

Fun Friday 05.18.12

Happy Friday Everybody!  Sometimes we like to start Friday off with a dance and for those of you born after the Queen of Disco roooooled the dance floors in New York, you may not realize the impact that Donna Summer had on propelling the dance music genre in the late 70s and 80s here and around the world.  Sadly Mrs. Summer passed yesterday and our sincere condolences to her family. But Donna always encouraged her fans to dance! So let’s do it and celebrate her talent!

Check out the undulating gorgeous robotic dancing she does at about the 2 minute marker here. She was a smash, a brave and beautiful woman who was not afraid to experiment and discover. Everybody hands in the air!

Hold Up! Don’t Sit Down Yet! We gotta do a tribute to the God Father of Go-Go – Mr. Chuck Brown, who also passed this week on Wednesday. Rest in Peace Mr. Brown.  Here is a favorite summer Jam by Chuck Brown- As long as the beat keep poppin’, Chuck Brown keep on rockin!

Our Fun Friday Stories this week

1. Donna Summer
2. Chuck Brown
3. JAZ at RAS in Barcelona
4. “Stolen Souls” Photography Show Tonight in Brooklyn
5. KLUB7 at Pandemic Saturday (Brooklyn)
6. Doze Green at Jonathan Levine Saturday (Manhattan)
7. ArtPad (San Francisco)
8. “These Streets” A video on Open Walls Baltimore directed by Gabe Dinsmoor

JAZ at RAS in Barcelona

Franco Fasoli AKA JAZ solo show at the RAS Gallery in Barcelona, Spain is now open. The JAZ universe of beasts borrows as much from mythology as from his daily interactions with his surroundings.

Jaz (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

“Stolen Souls” Photography Show Tonight in Brooklyn

Artist Royce Bannon curates a new photography group show opening today at Mishka in Brooklyn. Come by to see those “Stolen Souls” captured in arresting images by a select group of photographers including Becki Fuller, Bruce Labounty, Rusell King among others.

Arturo Vega by Curt Hoppe. “Double Logo” (photo © Curt Hoppe)

For further information regarding this show click here.

KLUB7 at Pandemic Saturday (Brooklyn)

Pandemic Gallery has by now a well established reputation for mounting interesting shows by local and international artists AND they also are pretty famous for their fun and welcoming opening parties. So we are sure you will have a memorable time this Saturday with the German Art Collective Klub7, some kool kids who are totally “Up To Something”.

“The Berlin, Germany based art collective KLUB7 is creating art on various surfaces, making murals, customizations and illustrations throughout the world. Together they developed a collective trademark style that combines the diverse backgrounds of the six members.”

Klub7 image with basketball (Photo © Jaime Rojo), group shot courtesy of and © Pandemic Gallery.

For further information regarding this show click here.

Doze Green at Jonathan Levine Saturday (Manhattan)

Tomorrow, the Jonathan Levine Gallery in Manhattan bring us the Graffiti legend Doze Green with a new body of work in an exhibition titled “Luminosity In The Dark Rift”. Doze Green’s illustrious career spans decades in NYC since the late 70’s and as one of the original b-boy members of the Rock Steady Crew he was involved in the hip-hop/graffiti movement of the city and his work has influenced generations of new writers and Street Artists working today.

Doze Green. Detail. (Image courtesy of the gallery)

For further information regarding this show click here.

ArtPad (San Francisco)

Art fairs are popping up like pimples on your cousin Josh’s 13 year old face. For that matter, so are film festivals , beauty pageants and food trucks. It seems that there is a new one being inaugurated every month in different cities around the world. But not all Art Fairs are created equal and this weekend the micro-fair ArtPadSF takes place in San Francisco. It’s a smaller fair for emerging and contemporary art with a reputation for distinguishing itself from the rest.

Whatever it is that makes ArtPadSF unique they have one thing in common with the rest: Dealers and artists gather together under one roof to sell their merch. Bring your wallet or not and try to enjoy the art.

If you go make sure to stop by New Image Art Gallery from Los Angeles at Room #43 where Marsea Goldberg will have a selection of pieces from artists you know: Retna, Neck Face and Clare Rojas among others. Click here for more details on this fair. Marsea’s a good Brooklyn babe so give her a smooch. On the hand, you cad.

“These Streets” A video on Open Walls Baltimore directed by Gabe Dinsmoor:



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Suben Presents: Jaz – Franco Fasoli Solo Show at Ras Gallery (Barcelona, Spain)



Opening Thursday May 17th from 7.30 till 10 pm
RAS Gallery Barcelona . Carrer Doctor Dou 10

Jaz is Franco Fasoli, a respected artist that evolves like the ‘jazz’ his name evokes.

From his pioneering past as the most prolific graffiti writer in Argentina, he’s mastered the art of spray-paint taking it to another level and incorporating other materials, such as tar, oil and soil on large scale murals.

For his first European solo show at RAS, produced by Suben and curated by Maximiliano Ruiz, Jaz has reduced the scale of his raw looking figures without compromising the massiveness of their shape and intriguing textures. In the whole body of work, the duality within one and the clash of forces is a constant, all reinforced by a subtle, yet highly attained technique.

The show will comprise a broad selection of works on paper and some larger scale canvases.

Street works, artworks previews and further details on the exhibition can be found here.


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JAZ – FRANCO FASOLI . Exhibición Individual

Inauguración Jueves 17 de Abril de 7.30 a 10 pm

RAS Gallery Barcelona . Carrer Doctor Dou 10

Jaz es Franco Fasoli, un respetado artista que evoluciona como el ‘jazz’ que su nombre evoca.
Desde sus pioneros inicios como el graffitero Argentino mas prolífico, ha perfeccionado el arte del spray, llevándolo a otro nivel, incorporando materiales inusuales, como asfalto, tierra y combustible en murales de gran tamaño.
Para su primera exposición individual europea en Ras, producida por Suben y comisariada por Maximiliano Ruiz, Jaz redujo la escala de sus crudas figuras sin perder lo masivo de sus formas y las intrigantes texturas.
En la mayoría del trabajo presentado se aprecia la dualidad de la unidad y el choque de potentes fuerzas, todo resaltado por una sutil y depurada técnica.
La exposición contara con una selección extensa de trabajos sobre papel y varios lienzos de gran escala.

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Isaac Cordal In Barcelona : His Miniature People in the Gallery

A grand opening for Street Art sculptor Isaac Cordel in Barcelona last week brought people in to personally inspect the miniature concrete actors he creates. RAS Gallery housed the latest collection of works presented by SUBEN and curated by Maximiliano Ruiz.

A varied group of folks gathered to the call of Street Art and free beer including some of the finest canine noses in the art world as at least 5 dogs attended accompanied by their humans.

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Adapting to the gallery format was a little challenging for Cordal since his small cement sculptures seemed more at home in the streets and the small incidental street locations he places them in are the perfect context to document them in. Nevertheless, the irony and depth of the message transcends the context and, in fact, can create it.

The social and cultural critique evident are as heavy sometimes as the little people, including a couple wearing gas masks to their wedding and the vision of a suicidal sculpture who chose to leap into the gallery void, leaving its pedestal empty.

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal (photo © Maximiliano Ruiz)

Isaac Cordal’s Solo Show is currently on view at the RAS Gallery in Barcelona. For further information regarding this show click here.

To learn more about Isaac Cordal’s street installations read our coverage on The Huffington Post here.



Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


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Fun Friday 04.13.12


Uh-Oh, should I be wearing a necklace of garlic today? It might not be too cool to wear it indoors. Oh snap it’s only a movie. Happy Friday the 13th everybody!

1. “Vice & Virtue” Shai Dahan (Stockholm)
2. “It Felt Like a Kiss”, Alexandros Vasmoulakis at Gallery Nosco (London)
3. “The Birds & The Bees” with H. Veng Smith and Gigi Chen (BKLN)
4. Isaac Cordal Solo tonight in Barcelona
5. Hellbent at C.A.V.E. Saturday (LA)
6. Buff Monster at Corey Helford Saturday (LA)
7. Sowat and Lek present: “Mausolee”
8. Arabic Graffiti and Egyptian Street Art in Frankfurt
9. John Crash Matos’ “Study In Watercolors” at the Addict Galerie in Paris
10. ARMO and his world of color, shapes and textures. (VIDEO)
11. Ana Peru Peru Ana “meanwhile, in new york city (VII)” (VIDEO)

“Vice & Virtue” Shai Dahan (Stockholm)

Shai Dahan’s solo show  “Vice & Virtue” opened last night at the Scarlett Gallery in Stockholm, Sweden and is open today to the public.  Are your virtues bigger than your vices?

For further information regarding this show click here.

“It Felt Like a Kiss”, Alexandros Vasmoulakis at Gallery Nosco (London)

An exploration of the seductive kiss and the female power of attraction – sounds like a valiant pursuit, doesn’t it? Alexandros Vasmoulakis’s solo show is open to the general public at Gallery Nosco in London today.

For further information regarding this show click here.

“The Birds & The Bees” with H. Veng Smith and Gigi Chen (BKLN)

A perfect theme for a show right now as the temperatures rise and skirts rise and shirts come off on the grassy knolls in Prospect Park.  “The Birds & The Bees” H. Veng Smith show with Gigi Chen at the Mighty Tanaka Gallery opens today in Brooklyn as Spring time’s gallant breeze calls you hither to Dumbo.

Veng (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Isaac Cordal Solo tonight in Barcelona

Curated by Street Art author Maximiliano Ruiz, this solo show gives platform to Isaac Cordal, a small-scale sculptor who has thus far used the street as the only necessary stage. Mr. Cordal’s little cement characters at RAS Gallery will stop you in your tracks and reconsider your giant self.

Isaac Cordal (photo © Isaac Cordal)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Hellbent at C.A.V.E. Saturday (LA)

New York Street Artist and fine artist Hellbent shares the space at C.A.V.E Gallery in Venice Beach, California this weekend with his offering “A Quilted Life”.

Hellbent (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Buff Monster at Corey Helford Saturday (LA)

Buff Monster is back at his most mischievous at the Corey Helford Gallery this time all covered in delicious pink. His solo show “Legend of the Pink” opens tomorrow in Culver City as the monster celebrates 10 years of work on the street.

Buff Monster (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Also happening this weekend:

Maya Hayuk solo show “2012 Apocabliss” in Mexico City at Anonymous Gallery. Click here for more details on this show.

Sowat and Lek present: “Mausolee”. An art show and book release in Paris, France. Click here for more details on this show.

From Here to Fame Publishing Presents: Arabic Graffiti and Egyptian Street Art in Frankfurt, Germany. Click here for more details on this show.

John Crash Matos’ “Study In Watercolors” at the Addict Galerie in Paris, France. Click here for more details on this show.

ARMO and his world of color, shapes and textures. (VIDEO)

Armo (photo © Armo)

“meanwhile, in new york city (VII)” (VIDEO)

Peru Ana Ana Peru are Street Artists, jokesters, and film makers in New York. Here is their new mini-movie of unscripted New York scenes, sounds and soliloquies collected together for your amusement and befuddlement.

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RAS Gallery Presents: Bom-k . Dran . Sowat “Divujar Mata Violente” (Barcelona, Spain)

Suben Presents:


Bom-k . Dran . Sowat

Opening Thursday September 9th from 7.30 till 10 pm
RAS Gallery Barcelona . Carrer Doctor Dou 10

Like everything else that’s good in life, Graffiti kills. It’s the gas in the spray cans, the chemicals in the inks, the sleepless nights spent obsessing about new ideas and days wasted wandering the train tracks…

Working together for the first time in a Catalonian gallery, French graffiti writers Bomk, Dran and Sowat of the Da Mental Vaporz crew, are willing to share their last will with Europe’s Street Art Mecca. Hopefully, the show will be filled with their usual hyper realistic sexual beasts, disillusioned children’s’ drawings, vandalized sketches, dripping calligraphies, crossed out black and white pictures and whatever else they may have in store for us.

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RAS Gallery Presents: Rene Almanza Solo Show. Paintings.Drawings.Graphics (Barcelona)

Rene Almanza

Rene Almanza

Rene Almanza


R e n e  A l m a n z a (México) .  S o l o  S h o w
paintings  .  drawings  .  graphics

Vernissage June 10th from 7.30 till 10 pm
RAS Gallery Barcelona . Carrer Doctor Dou 10

From Monterrey Mexico and for the very first time in Europe, the work
of Rene Almanza arrives to RAS Gallery Barcelona. Convoluted lines
that show but also hide faces, bodies and animals, extracted from the
many worlds that Rene Almanza materializes melting his own urban and
poetic influences, mark the artist solo exhibition.

The paintings, drawings and graphic works presented review a wide
range of prices, inviting all art lovers to take one of Rene Almanza’s
unique works home.

” Every time I see the work of Rene Almanza I feel a mixture of love and hate.
I realize that he is a quiet person in whose drawings lives some a kind of
struggle with the paper that gives life to his strokes, making it sometimes, to
seem to go beyond the square surface limits. ”
Herbert Baglione

– Presents from the artist to the first 150 guests
– Oficial video, pictures, press-kits and more info more information on

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