Skywatchers, ghouls and werewolves please take note: The moon will be full this Halloween night across the entire United States. A Halloween full moon visible for most time zones on Earth hasn’t happened since 1944, according to the Farmers’ Almanac.
Of course street art is ready to rock Halloween, as some of the most clever, frightening, sarcastic, ghoulish, and hilarious thematic depictions are found on our streets in the days leading up to All Hallows Eve. Truthfully these are such scary times across the board in the US that it is feeling like we’re having Halloween weekly. The monsters walk among us!
We hope you have a spooky good time, you stay safe and don’t forget BSA loves you.
They are not staying quiet. If you had doubted the inclination of street artists to join the socio-political fray in 2020, don’t. Among the cute and decorative pieces out there, we are steadily discovering that artists are using the public sphere to take risks, addressing issues that are thorny and puzzling. As ever, the streets are a reflection of our society and all its fabulous dysfunction – a refreshing take on free speech that often makes much more sense than the disinformation war raging hourly right now on corporate media.
Here’s our weekly interview with the streets, this week featuring Adam Fu, Blood and Soul, Clint Mario, Faust, Gazoo to the Moon, Jarus, Maia Lorian, Pure Genius, Raddington Falls, Sticker Maul, Stikman, TV Head ATX, Will Pay, and Winston Tseng.
An unusual worldwide quarantine requires unusual solutions. Because the virus is preventing us all from going to a gallery show at the moment, it’s been fun to see artists, museums, galleries, gallerists and organizers devise new ways for us to interact with each other and art. One you can participate in Sunday is called “What’s In the Box?”.
You might also call it “Who’s On the Box.” Seriously, Duster? Al Diaz? Terrible TKID170? Zimad? That would make you sit up and pay attention.
Duster ua (photo courtesy of 3Alx)
Organized by Adam Levine (@3Alxnyc) this is a project whose central conceit is a secret – and you have to get inside a virtual space to find it out. In addition the works are all completed on a box which may contain an object of “precious metals and jewels”. We’re curious!
“I’ve assembled close to 30 artists – some old school legends, some NYC staples, West coast players and some fresh faces,” he tells us. “They have all come together and each artist created one unique and original design on a custom wooden box sent to them to decorate that will house something very special.”
Sacsix (photo courtesy of 3Alx)
“When I say ‘special’ I’m not kidding. This is something that you guys or anybody else on the planet for that matter has never ever seen before.” Those are big promises. Hell, you’re just stuck on this couch for the next forever, so text PIPEBOX to 31996 to get on the VIP list.
Show starts Sunday at 4:20pm in New York, so that’s 21:20 in London and 22:20 in Paris Sunday night. Have fun and support many artists whose work you know from serious well regarded old school writers to Street Art new kids on the scene.
Sf Grajales (photo courtesy of 3Alx)
Participants include Al Diaz, A Lucky Rabbit, AJ Lavilla, AngelOnce, Baston, Belowkey, Captain Eyeliner, City Kitty, Dirt Cobain, Duster ua, EASY, Free Humanity, GoopMassta, Stephanie Grajales, Jeff Henriquez, Nite Owl, Sara O’Connor, The Postman, Raddington Falls, Reggie Warlock, Renda Writer, Sacsix, Vincent Scala, Savior Elmundo, Terrible TKID170, TRAP.if, Turtlecaps, Uncutt, Zero Productivity, Zimad.
Goop Massta (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Raddington Falls (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Zimad Art (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Joz and Easy (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Free Humanity (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Vincent Scala (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Savior El Mundo (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Aj Lavilla (photo courtesy of 3Alx)A Lucky Rabbit (photo courtesy of 3Alx)The Postman Art (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Terrible Kid (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Captain Eyeliner (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Angel Once (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Naito Oru (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Baston714 (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Below Key (photo courtesy of 3Alx)Sara Connor (photo courtesy of 3Alx)
What’s in the Box? Tune in to the live stream Sunday, 4.19.20 at 4:20 P.M. EST. The only way in, is to text the word:“PIPEBOX” to 31996 to get on the V.I.P. launch list and receive the live link. Video production by Silvertuna Studios
Dog days of summer
be damned, the Street Art in all of its fabulous illegal varieties, the true Vox
Populi (and self-advertisment) persists and insists through the streets this
On the topic of illegal, we’ll state it again for the many persons who have an incorrect impression – Street Art, by definition, is illegal. If it is not illegal, please do not call it Street Art. That work you are looking at is probably a mural. Unfortunately we’ve seen some recent flagrant misuses of the term by some folks who probably should know better.
Good to see “Hysterical Men” here in New York, after
admiring the campaign from Philly. The artwork reminds us of Robbie Conal as
well, who is reliably skewering public officials with his wilting depictions of
them on posters on the street. This week we also were reminded of Chicago’s Dont
Fret when we saw the work of Matt Starr, with his textual witticisms. Don’t get
us wrong, its not a criticism to have similar work – it’s just an observation.
Finally, considering the treatment of immigrants, the mounting
fascism, racism, misogyny, and rageful ignorance being modelled and engendered
from the highest offices in the land, we’re shocked that, with a few notable
exceptions, Street Artists are not taking those messages to the streets. So
much for its reputation for being activist. Not so much.
Here’s our weekly interview with the street, this time featuring Benjamin’s Brother, Bones, Cammix Vx, Captain Eyeliner, Diva Dolga, Domingo Zapata, Dr. Nothing, Hysterical Men, Invisible Essence, Little Ricky, Matt Siren, Matt Starr, Mattew Wythe, Mr. Djoul, Obey, Praxis, Raddington Falls, Rammellzee, Sara Lynne Leo, Sinclair, Sunflower Soulz, The Postman Art, and You Go Girl!
Here’s our weekly interview with the streets, this week featuring AJ LaVilla, Boy Kong, BunnyM, ColpOne, Cycle, Haculla, Jappy Lemon, JR, Lungebox, Raddington Falls, RX Skulls, SacSix, SAMO, Sheryo, The Yok and Winstont Seng.
“…but no one was interested in the facts. They preferred the invention because this invention expressed and corroborated their hates and fears so perfectly.” ~ James Baldwin, from Notes of a Native Son.
As if Donald ever thinks about those people who marched. Ever.
People marched and bellowed with torches Friday night and with swastika flags on Saturday in Charlottesville; mostly white men and boys encouraged by the Trump/Pence team and all the people who are steering-advising. After a car was driven into the crowd of anti-racists the governor declared a state of emergency.
Racism and other -isms are not new. Neither is how they are being fueled and fanned today.
During these caustically hot summer days in the US almost every opinion expressed is characterized as political rhetoric, thanks to years of televised cable shouting matches. Reasoned discourse with gray areas is strictly verboten. But if you really want to know what is happening, just follow the money. Historians tell us that is the struggle, simplified and bare for the eye to see. Paid-for disinformation and millionaire newsreaders may cloud the view, but that’s what’s happening.
The majority of us are good, even fantastic, people who know somehow we are being ripped off and gradually shoved toward the door. The people have the actual power when they seize it. It just may take an economic collapse.
See any on the horizon?
Thankfully we still have Street Art, right? There is no doubt that it has already become more political here in the last year and the odds are that it will probably grow louder – as our graffiti and Street Art is always a direct mirror of us.
So here’s our weekly interview with the streets, this week featuringArt Baby Girl, ASVP, Mad Villian, Brolga, Camo Lords, El Sol 25, Gutti Barrios, Raddington Falls, Monsieur Chat, Myth, Pay to Pray, Raemann, Self Master, Stray Ones, and You Go Girl!.
Graffitecture: Typographic Blueprints, on view at STRAAT Museum from February 14 to May 18, 2025, explores the evolving relationship between …Read More »