All posts tagged: Paris

FKDL and His Vintage Glamour Women

New Wall Celebrates Audrey Hepburn for her May 4 birthday in the Brussells district she was born in. Liz Taylor is her special guest.

There are many references to pop culture, movies, fashion, and celebrity that have appeared in Street Art in the last decade or so, thanks to our full immersion in the National Entertainment State. We always say that the street reflects us back to ourselves, and apparently we are fixated on poised prettitude, at least in some cities. From Street Artists like DAIN to Judith Supine to Faile to The Dude Company, Tian, Aiko, TooFly and myriad anonymous stencillists, you are bound to see depictions of glamorous women and in a variety of archetypes popping up on walls and doorways no matter the year.

FKDL “Breakfast at Ixelles”. Brussels, Beligium. (photo © FKDL)

Parisian Street Artist FKDL reliably returns to his wheelhouse of the 1950s and 60s when he looks for images of idealized females.  Even his silhouettes of graceful and lithe dancing figures will remind you of the 2-D animations of opening credits of Hollywood movies from the golden age, the hip early years of television, beatniks in tight turtleneck sweaters reading poems, and swinging chicks on the cover art from long-playing jazz albums.  As a “fill” to his forms, he often pastes in an actual collage of vintage commercial illustrations that he cut from magazines and dress making pattern envelopes.  Clearly his is a romance with an image of female beauty from an earlier time and he reliably visits it again and again in his work on the streets of Europe and New York.

FKDL “Breakfast at Ixelles”. Brussels, Beligium. (photo © FKDL)

So it is no surprise that last week when FKDL was in the Ixelles district in Brussels he found a lone façade wall on an empty lot that faces the street and was compelled to paint a tribute to the cinema icon Audrey Hepburn, born there 84 years ago this Saturday. “Breakfast at Ixelles” refers to the location and her most famous movie, set in New York, Breakfast at Tiffany’s.  While doing the wall he decided to also pay tribute to another screen grand dame Elizabeth Taylor. The 30 foot wall uses his distinctive collage style and the paint colors are associated with the flag of Belgium.

FKDL “Breakfast at Ixelles”. Brussels, Beligium. (photo © FKDL)

FKDL “Breakfast at Ixelles”. Brussels, Beligium. (photo © FKDL)

FKDL in New York (photo © Jaime Rojo)

FKDL (detail) in Brooklyn (photo © Jaime Rojo)

FKDL next to DAIN in Brooklyn (photo © Jaime Rojo)

FKDL in Brooklyn (photo © Jaime Rojo)




Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


This posting is also on Huffington Post Arts & Culture.

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Open Space Presents: Thomas Canto “Dedicace” (Paris, France)

Dans le cadre de l’exposition collective Graffuturism-Paris, la Galerie Openspace accueille l’artiste Thomas Canto pour une dédicace exclusive de son livre “Gravité B”. L’occasion de découvrir l’exposition lors d’un nouvel accrochage et les œuvres graffuturistes de Thomas Canto, inspirées de l’installation spectaculaire qu’il a réalisée aux anciens Bains Douches à Paris début 2013.

Rendez-vous à 16h
Galerie Openspace
56, rue Alexandre Dumas, Paris 11e
09 80 66 63 94

Le livre “Gravité B” publié chez LVE Editions est disponible au prix de 36 euros.

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Ils reviennent… – ANIS, SNEZ (LF Crew) (Paris, France)

Nous ne savons toujours pas d’où viennent les hommes, qui furent les constructeurs des pyramides, des lignes de Nazca, des dolmens Stonedge ou des monuments antiques sud américains. Aujourd’hui et depuis 100 ans, notre ciel est parcouru par des ovnis…
Et ils reviennent… À La Friche, les anciens astronautes sont de retours !”
Du 2 au 16 mai 2013
jeu. & ven. 17h-19h / week end 14-19h

Ils reviennent… – ANIS, SNEZ (LF Crew)

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L Espace Seven – Galerie Jaques De Vos Present: DTONE “Street Machine” (Paris, France)

L Espace Seven – Galerie Jaques De Vos, est heureuse de vous convier à l’exposition de Dtone.”Street Machine”

Du 2 Mai au 29 Juin 2013

Vernissage le Jeudi 2 Mai à partir de 18h30 jusqu’ à 21h30

La thématique de cette série, nous plonge dans l’univers du vélo en ville.
C’est une balade urbaine à travers le temps, les nuances et les couleurs.
Une galerie de portraits et de panoramas, qui défilent sous nos yeux.


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Le Centre Pompidou Presents: ‘Ex Situ” A Group Exhibition (Paris, France)

Ex SituLe Street Art prend ses quartiers au Studio 13/16

Jeune public

13 – 28 avril 2013, tous les mercredis, samedis, dimanches, à 14h00 (4h00)
29 avril – 12 mai 2013, à 14h00 (4h00)
15 mai – 16 juin 2013, tous les mercredis, samedis, dimanches, à 14h00 (4h00)

Studio 13/16 – Centre Pompidou

entrée libre

Mercredis, samedis et dimanches, de 14 à 18h.
Pendant les vacances scolaires : tous les jours sauf le mardi, de 14 à 18h.

EX SITU c’est :
– 7 artistes issus du milieu de l’art urbain invités à mener une expérience artistique au Centre Pompidou.
– 7 résidences au Studio 13/16 où les artistes invitent les jeunes à participer à un work-in-progress et une réflexion sur la création in situ.
– 7 installations éphémères réalisées par les artistes en lien avec l’architecture du Centre Pompidou.
– 1 parcours dans la ville, le temps d’un après-midi, le Kiosque Tour, réalisé par les artistes et des groupes d’adolescents sur des kiosques de presse.

Les sujets

  • Ox

    à propos de la personne

  • Rero

    à propos de la personne

  • Vhils

    à propos de la personne

  • Yseult Digan (YZ)

    à propos de la personne

  • Ludo

    à propos de la personne

  • Mark Jenkins

    à propos de la personne

  • JonOne (1963)

    à propos de la personne

Le terme « ex situ » renvoie à la conservation d’un objet hors de son mil…

 lire la suite

Organisateur : Direction des publics / Service programation jeune public S. Mattera

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Galerie Itinerrance Presents: BOM.K “Vertiges et somnolence” (Paris, France)

Acteur important de la scène du graff, Bom.k s’est fait reconnaître par son extrême dextérité et la singularité des thèmes qu’il explore à travers son art. Sa maitrise parfaite de la bombe lui a permis d’acquérir des traits d’une finesse hors norme/
One of the most known figures of the graff world, Bom.k is reconized for his incredible dexterity with which he handles spray cans, no one else has that ability to draw such thin lines with this rudimentary tool

Bom.k a toujours été une figure particulière de la scène graffiti française. Il n’y a qu’à regarder ses dessins, ses toiles et ses murs pour s’en rendre compte. Rapidement il s’est libéré des règles traditionnelles du Graffiti pour suivre son propre chemin et créer un univers rempli de monstres difformes, de chairs et créatures sexuées hybrides, de villes claustrophobes et de visions d’horreurs magnifiées/
Bom.k has always been one of a kind in France’s Graffiti scene. One only has to look at his drawings, canvases and walls to be convinced.
Quickly, he set himself free from Graffiti’s traditional rules, to follow his own road and create a unique universe, full of distorted monsters, screaming flesh, hybrid sexual creatures, claustrophobic cities and idealized hellish visions.
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Images of the Week: 04.21.13

Here’s our weekly interview of the street, this week featuring $hota, Armer, bunnyM, C215, Curtis Kulig, DAO, Demian Smith, Essencia, Gyser, Irade, Joseph Meloy, Judith Supine, Love Me, Meres, Monsieur  Plume, Patch Whiskey, Raid Crew, Mr. Blob, Robert Janz, SEN2, Shiro, Smogk, Spagnola, Theo David, and Thomas Buildmore .

Top image > Spagnola (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Brand new Judith Supine on the rocks. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Sen2 at 5Pointz. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

$howta and DAO (photo © Jaime Rojo)

$howta and DAO. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Thomas Buildmore and his homage to Gaugin at Woodward Project Space. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

C215 big cat in Paris. (photo © Théo David)

We’ve seen a lot of fat cats, but never one this big. French Street Artist C215 finished it this week on a wall in the 13th arrondissment of Paris. Demian Smith, founder of Underground Paris, says the chat géant is “part of the neighborhood’s strategy to create an alternative tourism industry in this pretty ugly, working class area in the south of Paris.”  – Not the first time that Street Artists have perked a place up, just usually not on this scale. The strategy has so far included murals by Shepard Fairey, Inti, and Vhils, he says. Special thanks to Théo David for sharing these exclusive shots for BSA readers.

C215 big cat in Paris. (photo © Théo David)

Joseph Meloy (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Ishmael (photo © Jaime Rojo)

This forced collab with bunnyM and Robert Janz has a wild untamed energy, like a group of teens on a train at 3 pm. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Sort gets right to the point, right? Love Me (photo © Jaime Rojo)

ZMOGK with Shiro overseeing at 5Pointz. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Essencia (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Esscencia. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Armer (photo © Jaime Rojo)

“Ain’t nothin I’m just tryin to get my paper, my paper.” That’s right Mr. Blob is getting paid at 5Pointz. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Usually catching walls down south, Patch Whisky stopped in at the Bushwick Collective and also hit the En Masse installation. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

French artist Monsieur Plume of Raid Crew give Meres on the left a shout out at 5Pointz. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Untitled. J Train. Broad Street Sta. April 2013. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Thank you to Théo David for shooting the C215 wall in Paris for BSA. Visit Théo’s site here for more of his work. 


Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


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L’Avant Seine / Théâtre de Colombes Present: “DEFENSE D’AFFICHER” Djalou’z, Kouka et Shaka (Paris, France)

DEFENSE D’AFFICHER, est un voyage à la découverte de l’univers prolifique du Street Art.
Trois artistes émergents : Djalou’z, Kouka et Shaka, qui fort de leurs multiples “pattes” pour marcher dans tous les sens, de débauche de modes d’expressions pour explorer tous les imaginaires, et de personnalités très fortes, vont vous offrir des lumières insoupçonnées… D’avril à juin ces artistes investiront l’Avant Seine / Théâtre de Colombes pour nous proposer d’explorer l’étendue de leurs talents. Le lieu s’en souviendra, vous aussi assurément.

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Images of the Week: 03.24.13

March 21 hit us this week and that means Spring and that means more birds, flowers, sidewalk sales, thigh-high shorts, and Street Art and graffiti are on their way! Great to find this new brick wall falling apart by Aakash Nahalini in the subway this week, and then to learn that it is a sketch for future ideas. Also we’re on the look out for a new sculptural Faile tribute to Revs somewhere on NYC streets, and you might have seen a few new bird houses from XAM. Aside from some of the regular players, you can be sure there are some new kids on the block because this form of expression continues to expand and whether its a one-off, or the start of a long career, the street continues to inspire artists to get their stuff out there and skip the proscribed route.

Meanwhile, here’s our weekly interview of the street, this week featuring Aakash Nihalani, Ayatollax, Bast, Be Super, David Gouny, El Sol 25, Foxx Face, and Oculo.

Top image > Aakash Nihalani does a study for a near future installation. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Aakash Nihalini test for a near future subway installation. Detail. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Aakash Nihalini test for a near future subway installation. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Be Super does a little short circuiting of an illegal poster (photo © Jaime Rojo)

David Gouny continues to take his exploration of chubby sculpture in the streets of Paris, like this “CCTV Contaminated Fat Virus” (photo © David Gouny)

El Sol 25 “You and Me” (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Foxx Face (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Oculo (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Ayatollax on the streets of Paris. (photo © Ayatollax)

Which one will you choose? Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)

BAST (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Spring is here! (photo © Jaime Rojo)

The Standard High Line. New York City, March 2013 (photo © Jaime Rojo)



Please note: All content including images and text are ©, unless otherwise noted. We like sharing BSA content for non-commercial purposes as long as you credit the photographer(s) and BSA, include a link to the original article URL and do not remove the photographer’s name from the .jpg file. Otherwise, please refrain from re-posting. Thanks!


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Ophite Presentes: Street Art On Signs. (Paris, France)

Chers tous,

Retrouvez nous pour cette nouvelle exposition de Street Art sur panneaux de signalisation le mercredi 20 mars à partir de 18H00 chez Ophite !

Seront présents sur panneaux et en vrai :

Jérôme Mesnager – Grégos – Rubbish Cube – Le Cyklop – Oak Oak – Tarek – Super Foetus – Diamant – PIMAX – Papy&Milouz (TSF Crew) – Paella – Jinks Kuntz – Karo Trass – Paul Santoleri – Kashink – Nemi UHU – C.Mnich – Piotr – Sandrine Boulet – JPM

N’hésitez pas à venir tomber dans le panneau !!

OPHITE – Street Art on Signs

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Maquis-Art Gallery Presents: See. (Paris, France)


Maquis-Art Gallery expose du 8 Mars au 24 Mars 2013, le célèbre SEE.
Une exposition consacré au métro parisien.

Axé sur les métros de la capitale. il a su imposer son nom sur les wagons de toutes les lignes du métro parisien de la 1 à la 14 en passant par la 3 et 7bis ainsi que sur les trains de banlieues avant de continuer son travail sur toile…

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