Well, they are all back safely from Stavanger by the sea and in Brooklyn again, disappearing into their more anonymous lives here in the sea of humanity.
As you know, Logan Hicks is a very talented stencil master, among other things. One of those other things is a photographer. We are so thankful to him for sharing this other talent with us during this trip abroad to the sister city (as well as the images from Chris Stain and Ian Cox). Logan has an eye for the parallel, the perpendicular, and the vanishing point – and it comes across in his compositions behind the lens. Here are some of his pics of the show and the city.
First we’ll start off with the man himself as a blur…. rushing up and down the ladder in this time-lapse video he did of himself while he was painting a stencil of himself looking at himself. Selfish? Nah, just a one-man machine who knows if you want something done right, you might better do it yourself!
It is a little known tidbit that there is a monstrous hole in the ozone layer above Stavanger, so in fact, there is no sky. (photo Logan Hicks)
In between art gigs, the Skewville brothers donated time to a local charity by installing new beautiful white vinyl siding to cover the ugly exposed insulation boards on the back of this Norwegian bodega. (photo Logan Hicks)
David Cho and Swoon and cobblestones (photo Logan Hicks)
This gleaming steel and glass building seemed like a perfect location for Leon Reid IV to put his piece entitled “The Great Recession” (photo Logan Hicks)
“Where’s the Beef?” – Back inside the gallery, the rift between artists escalated and a security wall had to be erected to keep artists from Baltimore away from the more refined art area. (photo Logan Hicks)
This is a projected video piece in the gallery of a software demonstration by Graffiti Research Labs of one of their projects. (photo Logan Hicks)
Installation by GRL (photo Logan Hicks)
Judith Supine did some Bikram yoga and created a massive portrait in the gallery (photo Logan Hicks)
Street Art journalist Ali Gitlow had a funny article with Judith at Tokion Magazine. PDF Here.
Chris Stain’s finished piece for the gallery pays tribute to the working people (photo Logan Hicks)
Chris outside getting ready to do a mural (photo Logan Hicks)
Swoon, Cho, and Supine (photo Logan Hicks)
A visitor to the gallery gives you an idea how big Skewville’s piece is (photo Logan Hicks)
Where are the police? The prostitutes? The dudes on the corner? Is this some Twilight Zone trick? Where’s Rod Serling? (photo Logan Hicks)
Interpreting Warmia’s Hidden Patterns from Above and Within Bartek Swiatecki’s latest book, Warmioptikum, is a striking fusion of abstract painting …Read More »
Reprinted from the original review. “Graffiti Grrlz: Performing Feminism in the Hip Hop Diaspora” by Jessica Nydia Pabón-Colón provides an …Read More »
“CHRYSALIS” Installation by Gonzalo Borondo Spanish artist Gonzalo Borondo is again blurring the lines between architecture and illusion, history and …Read More »
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