Stencil master C215 curated a mural festival in the city of Loan in Northern France last month, their first street art festival called Festival d’art Urbain de Laon. Among the names on this first 16 name roster are artists such as Alexone, Isaac Cordal, Collin van der Sluijs, Monkeybird, Speedy Graffito, and our featured artist today – Jorge Rodríguez-Gerada.
Using a style that you may recognize as his signature, Gerada tells us this portrait is in striped tones, “that run across the face encompassing many skin tones to depict the universal effects of social media, its algorithms and viral video.” It is an interesting concept, this “Outsight” mural of exterior latex paint measuring 10 meters by 14 meters large.
Taking a week to complete this mural that will surely do well on social media channels, Jorge tells us that “The goal with this mural is to talk about how children are seeing this world through a mobile phone from such a young age, as it becomes more evident that parents use the screen as a new pacifier, without considering the effects on a young developing mind. The piece invites us to reflect on this phenomenon and its impact on society.”