Welcome to BSA Images of the Week!
Spring officially arrived this week, along with torrential rains and sometimes flooding. Happy Nowruz to all our Persian friends, and Happy Purim to the youngsters in costumes going to parties this weekend. The city’s walls reflect a new blossoming of talents joining with those more established in the visual arts, a usual mismatch of styles, coded messages, and obvious imagery. If you love New York, it is with the ongoing expectation of eclecticism mixed with the expected, and as it pertains to graffiti and street art, its a crowded party of all sorts of guests all speaking at once, each hoping to be heard in the din.
And now, here are images from our ongoing conversation with the street, this week, including: Turtle Caps, She Posse, Kosuke James, IAC, Ratrockster, Solo, Merg, Erat, SenOne Original, COSA.V, and Sen1.