Images of Week 08.02.09 August 2, 2009 Artists, Brooklyn, BSA Images Of The Week, On the Street Our Weekly Interview With the Streets Ripoff, Isoceles (Akash Nihalani) (photo Jaime Rojo Serious thug back in da day (Dain 1943) (photo Jaime Rojo) Parrot Flame Thrower Dissed (photo Jaime Rojo) Honey I decide to put on a quilt, light up, and get off the grid! (El Sol 25, N.Y.D.F. ) (photo Jaime Rojo) Gallerie D’ BQE (photo Jaime Rojo) Installlation (Gallerie D’BQE) (photo Jaime Rojo) Strong images speak for themselves (KNF) (photo Jaime Rojo) Lady Trapeeze (photo Jaime Rojo) The headmistress hurriedly rushed to the choking child to provide resuscitation (OHM) (photo Jaime Rojo) A thin filmstrip from Peru Ana Peru (photo Jaime Rojo) Please Do Not Forget Me (photo Jaime Rojo) REVS (photo Jaime Rojo) Smile (photo Jaime Rojo) Space Invader (photo Jaime Rojo) Elbow Toe and OHM (photo Jaime Rojo) OHM (photo Jaime Rojo) Cash Cow (Gaia) (photo Jaime Rojo) Revs (photo Jaime Rojo) Revs (photo Jaime Rojo) Read more