Bridge and Tunnel Doyenne Judith Supine has arrived, Logan has pretty much finished his new piece, GRL’s Evan Roth is analyzing Chris Stain’s graffiti skills electronically, the Skewville brothers haven’t cut off any fingers nor bonked heads while working.
Judith tries to make new friends with the other artists but they just turn their back (photo Logan Hicks)
Look at this too long and your head starts to hurt – Judith Supine (photo Logan Hicks)
Guess I put lip sunscreen on a little heavy – Judith Supine (photo Logan Hicks)
Logan is looking into Logan’s eyes. Does this make the piece introspective?
Have you seen my comb? (Skewville) (photo Logan Hicks)
No jokes should be made around power saws (Ad Deville) (photo Logan Hicks)
Watch your thumbs! (photo Logan Hicks)
STAVANGER, a seaport of Norway, capital of Stavanger amt (county), on the west coast in 59° N. (that of the Orkney Islands and northern Labrador). Pop. (1900), 30,541. It lies on the south side of the Bukken Fjord, and has a picturesque harbour well sheltered by islands.
Seriously though, 30,541 people? That was my graduating class!!
And Now, Back to the Artists and their good work…
It’s not unusual to catch Swoon whistling as she works, bless her (photo Logan Hicks)
Here she gives Chris his daily Geography lecture (photo Logan Hicks)
Group consultation (photo Logan Hicks)
James Powderly uses the scheduled “downtime” for play and idea-ating. (photo Logan Hicks)
Shards of streaming light bid us fint bye for this visit. (photos Logan Hicks)
Evan and Chris are fooling around with the tablet and pen. Patience, people, it’s the experimentation phase.
Elfo is a graffiti writer and social commentator whose work intentionally sidesteps traditional notions of style or technical lettering. This …Read More »
In her latest mural, Faring Purth delivers a powerful reflection on connection, continuity, and the complexity of evolving relationships—a true …Read More »