Indeed, the Grenoble Street Art Festival in France doesn’t care about you unless you parlez français – at least that’s the impression you’ll get from their website and social media. Nevertheless, they have been mounting monumental high-quality mural eye candy for eight editions, and art speaks volumes – so it’s still gratifying to look at the photos.
In the current edition in Saint-Martin-d’Hères, we see a new piece by Italian botanist and illustrator Fabio Petani, who rather brilliantly incorporates the landscape of the majestic Alps directly into his background multi-story mural called Silicon Carbonate & Cattleya Mossiae. At once richly detailed and mistily atmospheric, his sophisticated rendering must have been inspired by the enchanted beauty of the region.
Petani says he would like to thank the Grenoble team for their support and hospitality, especially the volunteers. We give praise to photographer Andrea Berlese for the excellent shots, like this one.