Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening :
1. Giorgio Bartocci. Architettura Liquida in Sardinia
2. Nychos – Aussie Haze 3. I’m a TWEET
BSA Special Feature: Giorgio Bartocci. Architettura Liquida in Sardinia
An all day, into the night July fever dream from Milan based Giorgio Bartocci, the sexy beat and gently sweeping camera work brings this liquid architecture further alive as he interacts graphically with the static urban structure. Hand on the can for two decades, Bartocci integrates the brush deftly in Iglesias, Sardinia, channeling currents of emotion and intellect with a welcome series of organic forms that mirror the sometimes chaotic character of the city.
Nychos – Aussie Haze
Cocksure and performative aerosol doctor Nychos is blazing away in an Aussie Haze, bringing you up the lift in Sydney and Melbourne to catch waves of heat and witness hammer-strength skillz.
Demonstrating once again that when you are an artist the world is your oyster for creativity, Street Artists Icy & Sot play on a popular folk myth that if you hold a seashell to your ear, usually a conch shell, you will hear the sound of the ocean. The rush and the resonance of swelling and crashing waves upon the sand is captured and forever transmitted by the open cavity of the seashell. In this small conceptual video piece the brothers take you to the beach with a new friend to gather seashells and hold them up to your ear.
20+ years of graffiti under his belt, Abik is getting abstract.
It’s third in a series of programs he has led and this one will feature work by many of the next generation who are coming to the streets and canvasses with alternatives to the figurative as well as the wild style – sort of a “no wave” approach to walls.
“The name of the event – NWO as New WALL Order – plays with the illuminati & conspiracy theories’ tagging to ironically highlight new horizons of our post-graffiti scene via the signature-wallpaintings,” says Marco Contardi, an Italian free writer and curator.
Previous editions of NWO included artists like 108, 2501, Giorgio Bartocci, CT, Eleuro and Ufocinque, as well as then Abik, Alfano, Alberonero, Aris, Giorgio Bartocci, Centina, G.Loois x Domenico Romeo, Luca Font and Sbagliato Collective.
Call it post-graffiti, or graffuturism, but these guys hope you’ll appreciate the gesture.
Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening :
1. 1010 Creates a Crater in Paris 2. Mario Mankey: The World Is Not Over Part 2
3. Giorgio Bartocci from Blindeye Factory
4. Interview with Specter at Vantage Point
BSA Special Feature: 1010 Creates a Crater in Paris
And you thought New York had potholes? Be careful in Paris!
Mario Mankey: The World Is Not Over Part 2
Debuting here, the newest video from Mario Mankey. See him knock out a wall inside Berlin’s former Institute of Anatomy.
The creepiness of this place is possibly the inspiration for the title: “The World Is Not Over: I’m Still Alive”.
Giorgio Bartocci from Blindeye Factory
Interview with Specter at Vantage Point
Happy we were able to bring this guy with us to Berlin in March, and very happy to hear this excellent interview that James and Tom did with him while he was there!
Also, baby goats in your promo video melts even the meanest graff writers heart, so another 25 points for that. (see adorable video below)
In fact, if you look through all the walls and materials and listen to the voices of the organizers, you find a serious consideration of humor as a force for creativity, so we’re pretty close to a perfect score of 100 with this original and inviting concept for a city Street Art festival.
All things considered, this ZERO edition (not 1st) of the Croatian festival that features a solid selection of international (mostly European) Street Artists along with local and regional musicians was very successful. The city is called Vodnjan/Dignano situated in the peninsula and county of Istria. It prides itself on its multicultural patrimony and the festival was meant to convey the artistic and cultural point of view that it has. Says Marco Contardi, one of the volunteer organizers, “The festival stands as a link between Istria and Europe, encouraging a reciprocal fruitful connection.”
So we’ll be bringing you some exclusive images of the pieces that Street Artists completed during Boombarstick. The first here is by Rome’s Hitnes, who completed this flight of imagination among the strong and well worn roots of the old city. He uses aerosol, brush, pencils, and whatever else brings out the detail in his alternate reality, which often meditates on the animal kingdom and a sense of magic.
Look forward in coming days to new exclusive photos of the completed pieces on BSA from some of the participants in this unique festival who include Franco Manzin, Phlegm, OKO, Sam3, Giorgio Bartocci, Hitnes, Eme, Ufocinque, Interesni Kazki, NeSpoon, Miron Milic, and Liqen.
Interpreting Warmia’s Hidden Patterns from Above and Within Bartek Swiatecki’s latest book, Warmioptikum, is a striking fusion of abstract painting …Read More »
Reprinted from the original review. “Graffiti Grrlz: Performing Feminism in the Hip Hop Diaspora” by Jessica Nydia Pabón-Colón provides an …Read More »