All posts tagged: Festival Mostar

Luca Ledda and Troubled Dreams in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Luca Ledda and Troubled Dreams in Bosnia-Herzegovina

Lucca Ledda’s chubby men are constantly being tormented and abused by someone.

If it’s not a full-bosomed dominatrix holding his leash then he is being pulled by his long rabbit ears from a hat, sandwiched between two buns with lettuce, or spinning slowly on a rotisserie with a sprig of rosemary.


Luca Ledda “The Dreamers” Festival Mostar. Bosnia. June 2016. (photo © Luca Ledda)

For his newest bad dream in Bosnia, the Italian Street Artist is equally surreal, set afloat from a jack-in-the-box, corkscrewed by a thorny rose, but still free to imagine – little dreams issuing forth from his reverie. Looking closely you see he is holding a key to his chest, perhaps this is the one that will free him.

The title is “The Dreamers” and the 6 meter x 4 meter piece was completed during Street Arts Festival Mostar last month in Bosnia-Herzegovina.


Luca Ledda “The Dreamers” Festival Mostar. Bosnia. June 2016. (photo © Luca Ledda)


Luca Ledda “The Dreamers” Festival Mostar. Bosnia. June 2016. (photo © Luca Ledda)


Luca Ledda “The Dreamers” Festival Mostar. Bosnia. June 2016. (photo © Luca Ledda)

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