Well, it happened. May Day Arrived.
The immigration reform marches
in major cities across the U.S.?
The day that the British Petroleum oil spill
started lapping up on gulf shores?
The occasion of a mis-fired car bomb in Times Square?
in major cities across the U.S.?
The day that the British Petroleum oil spill
started lapping up on gulf shores?
The occasion of a mis-fired car bomb in Times Square?
No, silly, the END OF AN ERA – Deitch Projects Final show featuring America’s Top Street Artist – Shepard Fairey.
The crowds bloated the streets outside, possibly dwarfing the crowd inside. Some old-timers said attendance may have also dwarfed the famed Haring and Hirst shows of years past and there was plenty of visual stimulation on the pavement, including a motorcycle gang and a fair amount of actual street art to gander, so even those hapless who were penned outside the formal show didn’t seem hopeless.
The artist and the gallerist were in attendance, which is always nice, and minions of fans and insiders mixed with assorted downtown celebrities and catty journalists. Mr. Fairey, in an interview with BSA earlier in the week , told us that HYPE is everywhere today, and one could say that the air felt kind of warm and summery thick with it.
And fun! Did I mention Fun?