All posts tagged: DFACE
Street Art:Downtown LA, Culver City, West Hollywood, Echo Park, and Venice
In select neighborhoods of Los Angeles, certain street artists keep it local. You might see them in one neighborhood but not another, as the term “all-city” is not too important. Here’s a selection of pieces from the Arts District, Culver City, West Hollywood, Echo Park and Venice.
Ben Eine in Venice (photo © Jaime Rojo)
JR in Venice (photo © Jaime Rojo)
JR in Venice (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Proving that it isn’t just for bankers, here’s Bankrupt Slut in Culver City (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Bankrupt Slut in Culver City (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Longtime Los Angeles Street Artist Becca in Echo Park (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Becca in the Art District in Downtown LA (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Classic piece from Blek Le Rat in Echo Park (photo © Jaime Rojo)
I’ve got an idea! Let’s do a cat stencil in Downtown LA (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Cfer does Kim Kardashian in Downtown LA (photo © Jaime Rojo)
These Curly stickers showed up very quickly in LA this week. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
D*Face in Sunset Blvd (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Invader, a visitor sticker from MOCA, and a Beatlesque statement about graffiti artist Revok in Little Tokyo (photo © Jaime Rojo)
A feeding fest from Kim West in The Art District LA (photo © Jaime Rojo)
JH in The Art District LA (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Word to Mother in Culver City (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Pornography and Taxidermy in Sunset Blvd (photo © Jaime Rojo)
This piece near the museum in Little Tokyo was well placed for a lot of traffic and there were even a few people posing with it. Love More War Less (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Picasso’s famous anti-war “Guernica” is reinterpreted here by Street Artist Ron English in The Art District (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Shepard Fairey lurking behind the fence on Sunset Blvd (photo © Jaime Rojo)
An Obey sticker in Little Tokyo (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Shepard Fairey, Uti, and Charm in Little Tokyo (photo © Jaime Rojo)
A sticker crush in Little Tokyo (photo © Jaime Rojo)
LA Special: Images of the Week 04.17.11
It’s been a hot week in Los Angeles for the Brooklyn set, this much warmth and sun consecutively is unsettling for cold northerners accustomed to six months of winter and unbearable cold. The hundreds of museum goers who are lined up to enter the MOCA “Art in the Streets” show this morning mark the end of official events over the last week as well as the private openings, events, and walls that popped up everywhere.
Dabs & Myla with How & Nosm. One of the strongest installations in or out of the museum this week. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
This weeks interview with the streets is largely an interview with Daniel Lahoda, an Angelino who has procured walls for visiting and local street artists in a few neighborhoods of the city since 2009. With no membership fee or admission, everyone is able to see the work of a whole lot of street artists where it was originated thanks to his organizational and diplomatic skills and his vision. We were very fortunate to receive a personal tour of the walls from Daniel over the course of a couple of days, including the gargantuan piece finished this week by Dabs & Myla with How & Nosm and the still fresh 42nd LA Free Wall as it was being completed by Street Artist Aiko. Since so many artists were in town for the general craziness, expect to see some new walls going up shortly that will thrill and delight.
So here’s this weeks interview with the street featuring Aiko, Augustine Kofie, CA, Carl Rauschenbach, Crayola, Dabs & Myla, David Flores, DFace, X, Herakut, How & Nosm, JR, Kid Zoom, M-City, Nomade, Philip Lumbang, Ripo, Roa, Saber, and Shepard Fairey.

Street Artist Aiko repels the punishing sun with a big hat while working on this stencil she created in honor of the people of Japan during the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami as well as to her friend Martha Cooper who shot the original image it is based on. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

So here’s this weeks interview with the street featuring Aiko, Augustine Kofie, CA, Carl Rauschenbach, Crayola, Dabs & Myla, David Flores, DFace, X, Herakut, How & Nosm, JR, Kid Zoom, M-City, Nomade, Philip Lumbang, Ripo, Roa, Saber, and Shepard Fairey.

Street Artist Aiko repels the punishing sun with a big hat while working on this stencil she created in honor of the people of Japan during the aftermath of the earthquake and tsunami as well as to her friend Martha Cooper who shot the original image it is based on. (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Aiko (photo © Jaime Rojo)
The completed piece by Aiko (photo © Jaime Rojo)
The original image by Martha Cooper that Aiko based her stencil piece from (photo © Martha Cooper)
Local quartet Nomade have a few pretty strong mixed media pieces around town. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nomade (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Two LA favorites Saber on the left and Augustine Kofie on the right (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Saber. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Carl Rauschenbach on left, X on right and Philip Lumbang in center (photo © Jaime Rojo)
London’s D*Face (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Dabs & Myla with Craola (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Dabs & Myla with Craola. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Dabs & Myla with Craola. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)
David Flores “customized” this large portrait by JR (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Herakut from Frankfurt and Erfurt, Germany.(photo © Jaime Rojo)
INSA adorned the side of this fine family establishment with hot fleshy pinks and red undulating color. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
INSA. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)
INSA (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Part of Shepard Fairey’s brand new series, this image of Ronald Reagan is pre-defaced with an “intervention” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Shepard Fairey simplifies the approach, making it that much more powerful (photo © Jaime Rojo)
As if in a “free speech zone” behind the barbed wire, the man who started this all, Ronald Reagan, salutes “Mourning in Amerca”, by Shepard Fairey (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Shepard Fairey’s piece, the first done with Daniel Lahoda for the LA Freewalls project (photo © Jaime Rojo)
French artist JR, part of a 16 piece installation across LA this spring called “Wrinkles in the City” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Kid Zoom and Insa reversed the red and blue part of this piece, shot both with a camera, and created a stunning piece of GIF art that makes Kid Zoom’s skull float above it. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Gif Image courtesy LA Freewalls project.
Kid Zoom (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Stencil artist M-City’s train in this parking lot is so long that it’s hard to get the full view (photo © Jaime Rojo)
MCity. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Ripo (photo © Jaime Rojo)
ROA’s sweet smelling piece adorns the side of this perfume store. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Images of the Week 03.06.11
Our weekly interview with the streets also wanders into a few Art Fairs this week as many Street Artists were in town showing studio work and getting up on walls. It was great to meet so many people who are on fire about this grassroots, interactive, DIY, in-your-eyeballs world of street art and to talk about where it is going. While there were a slew of Street Artists banging a luan wall at Fountain, we also got to see some peeps at Scope and Volta.
So here we go with shots of Andy Piedilato, Dalek, DFace, How Nosm, Mark Jenkins, Ron English, Tes One, Tristan Eaton, TrustoCorp, and Typoe.
How & Nosm finish wall in Brooklyn for Contra Projects (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Bask at work on his wall in Brooklyn for Contra Projects (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Bask at work on his wall in Brooklyn (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Bask in Brooklyn (photo © Jaime Rojo)
TES ONE at work on his wall in Brooklyn for Contra Projects (photo © Jaime Rojo). Meanwhile Sharktoof did a brand new piece in Bushwick, which we’ll show you next week.
TES ONE in Brooklyn (photo © Jaime Rojo)
D*Face. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
James Marshall (Dalek). Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Ron English. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
TES ONE. Detail. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Tristan Eaton has not shown such a fully realized piece on the streets and he unveiled this one after working for close to a year on it. He also told BSA that his brother Matthew has some serious art chops. Bring it on, Matt! Contra Projects at Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Bask. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Now with 8 essential vitamins and religions! TrustoCorp. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
How & Nosm. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
How & Nosm. Detail. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
How & Nosm. Detail. Contra Projects. Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Jennifer Catron and Paul Outlaw. Detail. Artists Wanted at Scope Art Fair (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Andy Piedilato. Detail. Scope Art Fair. English Kills Gallery (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Typoe. Detail. Scope Art Fair. Spinello Gallery (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Mark Jenkins at Volta Art Fair. Carmichael Gallery (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Mark Jenkins at Volta Art Fair. Carmichael Gallery (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Armory Week NYC 2011: BSA Picks
Armory Week, the annual art deluge in New York is about art Fairs, Art Fans, and Fiddy Dollars, Daddy. While a fair bit of the traffic at the various fairs is about the benjamins, it’s also just about having a good time and getting out to see what your favorite street artist is up to in this milieu. In short – a whole lotta street artists are getting busy this year in the booths, on the walls, and in the streets to show you their stuff.
This year the NYC madness officially opens Thursday March 3rd. Here are some of the things we are looking forward to – you might like them too.
A BSA favorite, Fountain is held in an old maritime vessel docked on the Hudson River on the West Side of Manhattan. Each year, and this is the sixth, the fair promises to rock at least a few boats.
Fountain is an excitedly directed directionless cacophony of hits and odd couple of misses every year. The hits usually are upside your head. We are looking forward to the 100+ feet wall of fresh Street Art as you enter and the Murder Lounge down below. As you wend your way past the bar and the flash bulbs at the Saturday night musical melee with Ninjasonik you will swear you are floating. Because you are.
An interior shot of the The Frying Pan, where Fountain splashes on the Hudson River at 26th Street. (photo © Jaime Rojo)
If you are lost, look for the mast. Fountain is the only water vessel based fair at Armory, baby (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Elle does final prep to her wall piece for Fountain (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Hellbent installing his Fountain piece (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Joe Iurato installing his piece (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Ellis G. Detail (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Adding to Fountain’s signature overwhelming visual and sensory experience, visitors entering Fountain Art Fair will encounter a 100-foot long street art installation stretching along the entrance and exit—a massive collaborative installation by a number of street artists. It features Chris Stain, Dickchicken!, Faro, Gaia, Shark Toof, Clown Soldier, Love Me, Ellis G, Allesandro Echevarria, Lee Trice, Imminent Disaster, Elle, Hellbent, Joe Iurato, and Anthony Sneed. “The medium and movement referred to as Street Art has played an integral role in Fountain Art Fair’s development,” said David Kesting, Fountain Art Fair Co-Founder.
Pier 66 Maritime @ 26th Street & 12th Avenue in the Hudson RIver Park
March 3 – 6, 2011
General Public Hours:
March 4–March 6, 12pm–7pm
Special Events:
Thursday March 3, 12am – 5pm – VIP & Press Preview
Friday, March 4, 7pm – 12am – Opening Night Reception – Performance: Gordon Voidwell and Tecla
Saturday, March 5, 7pm – 12am – Performance: Ninjasonik
Go to Fountain official site to see the full list of exhibitors and to learn more details about the special events and full program:
A mouthwash and an art fair, we’re checking out Scope mainly to see the new collaboration called Contra Projects, put together by brothers Tristan and Matthew Eaton – comprised of some rockin’ Street Artists who will be taking their show on the road around the globe this year. We’ve had a blast watching them put up new work on Brooklyn streets this week, and can’t wait to see the installations at Scope.
Also you will want to check out the sculpture work by Miami graff artist Typoe, whose friend have been saving their caps from spray cans for a minute. He laughs when he talks about graffers mailing them to him too and as a co-founder of Primary Flight, Miami’s original open air museum and street level mural installation, he’s got plenty to work with.
TYPOE | Fountain, 2011| Confetti Death Series
To see the full list of exhibitors, details of the programs and fees to enter go to the Scope Art Fair site:
320 West St (West Side Highway)
Across from Pier 40
New York NY 10014
Opening Schedule
(For VIPs and Press
or $100 donation at the door)
Wednesday | March 2 | 3pm-9pm
General Admission Fair Hours
Thursday | March 3 | noon – 8pm
Friday | March 4 | noon – 8pm
Saturday | March 5 | noon – 8pm
Sunday | March 6 | noon – 7pm
California’s Carmichael Gallery is showing new work by Street Art brain jammer Mark Jenkins, whose well-placed human installations in public places cause people to stop and ponder. Apparently, his work has a similar effect on cats.
From the press release;
“Mark Jenkins’ installation at VOLTA NY will transform Booth A1 into an unconventionally furnished family room. “I’ve been doing a lot of experimentation with resin and fiberglass,” says the artist of this new series, which includes five and a half life-size sculptures and a range of smaller pieces, “finding more original ways to make hand casts and improving structural solidity through new bracing techniques.” For the first time, Jenkins will present his works within a site-specific environment purposefully created to provide greater contextual authority and definition to his aesthetic and thematic considerations. “An empty space can feel sterile,” he observes, “as if a giant eraser has removed all context. The works become more like pinned butterflies. I have taken a different approach with (the presentation of) Family Room. This time it’s about creating a place for the sculptures to live in, so, in addition to clothes, I’ve been thrift store shopping for plants, drapes, rugs and chairs.” Both individual works and the installation as a whole will propose non-traditional commentaries on the institutions of family and home.”
Booth A1
7 West 34th Street
between 5th and 6th Avenue / 11th floor
New York, NY 10001
To see the full Volta exhibitors list and details of all events please click on Volta’ site:
To learn more about Carmichael Gallery please click on the gallery’s site:
Brooklyn’s David Ellis at Joshua Liner is one painter/sculptor/film maker always worth checking out. As a founding Barnstormer, Ellis continues to stretch and swerve with painterly illustrations and installation.
PULSE Contemporary Art Fair at or contact by phone at +1 (212) 255-2327.
Thursday March 3 | 10am-1pm |
Press and VIP Private Preview | |
Thursday March 3 | 1pm- 8pm |
Friday March 4 | 12pm – 8pm |
Saturday March 5 | 12pm – 8pm |
Sunday March 6 | 12pm – 5pm |
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 3 – 5 March, Noon to 10 pm
Sunday, 6 March, Noon to 6 pm
Thursday, 3 March, 2011, 10:00 pm to 4 am
Coming Thursday, March 3, Verge Art Brooklyn invites you to experience a paradigm shift in art fairs as we know them, a show that recovers the standard of an art fair as a platform for presenting the best work by living artists. Art Brooklyn throws open the doors for attendees to a whole new universe of artists, music, art, and community. Verge Art Brooklyn is proud to announce a list of exhibitors that includes gallery exhibitors, resident DUMBO galleries and Brooklyn Art Now participants for a combined total of over seventy gallery exhibitors at nine locations, nearly forty participants for “Material Issue: Artist’s Projects Spaces” and fifty artists for “Tomorrow Stars: The Art Brooklyn Open Call Exhibition.” Chosen by a distinguished panel of jurors, “Tomorrow Stars” represents the brightest and best Brooklyn has to offer, as selected by Courtney Wendroff of the Brooklyn Arts Council, artist and former president of the NYC chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers Stephen Mallon, blogger and art critic Steve Kaplan, and Danny Simmons, chairman of the NYC chapter of the National Conference of Artists. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to own the work of tomorrow’s stars today!
81 Front Street, Ground Floor / One Main Street, Ground Floor ANTIDOTE, Brooklyn, NY, Albrecht Art Enterprise, New York, NY, Art Project International G77 Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, Phoenix Gallery, New York, NY, G2 Gallery, Tokyo, Japan, MoCADA Gallery, Brooklyn, NY, Cue Art Foundation, New York, NY, Firecat Projects, Chicago, IL, Stilllife Gallery, New York, NY, Fine Art Consultancy, London, UK, Arch 402, London, UK, A.R.T. Module R, Brooklyn, NY, Mayjune Gallery, Seoul, South Korea, Brooklyn Art Project, Brooklyn, NY, and others TBA.
111 Front Street, Second Floor, Suites 200, 204 & 222 Tabla Rasa Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Audrey Anastasi, “Spoken Birch.” BAC Gallery selected artist(s) work, RahulAlexander, “Golden Chamber”, Greg Lindquist, “ntitled.” Like The Spice Gallery selected artist(s) and work, Jenny Morgan and David Mramor, “View Quan Yinha.” Micro Museum: Selected artist(s) and work, Kathleen and William Laziza “THE KISSING INSTALLATION 2.0.” Open Source Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Peter Feigenbaum, ”02″, Katerina Marcelja “02.” Camel Art Space: selected artist(s) and work, Rob de Oude, “Hither fro Yonder”, Carl Gunhouse, “Development Nashville, TN.” MoCADA: selected artist(s) and work, Jeff Sims, “Straddle 72.” WORK Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Eric Ayotte, “Protest Painting”, Karin Stothart, “Ileostomy Drainage.” Central Booking: selected artist(s) and work. Despo Magoni, “The Thousand and One Nights series”, Lothar Osterburg, “Zion Homestead.” BRIC Rotunda Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Jeesoo Lee, “Darkening Blue”, Pinar Yolaçan, “Untitled (from Mother Goddess series), Lael Marshall, “Compact Florescent.” Famous Accountants: selected artist(s) and work, Meg Hitchcock, “Nausea, The Sunyatasaptati (Seventy Verses on Emptiness) by Nagarjuna, from Neasea by Jean-Paul Sartre”, Ben Godward, “Shhh! I live here.” Spring Gallery: selected artist(s) and work Charles Lahti, “First Eyes on Jura.” Front Room Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Tom Broadbent, “Floating Camouflaged Pants” Manhattan Bridge Tunnel proposal, Stephen Mallon, “Virginia Placement”, Patricia Smith, “Mapped Location of Pronounced Situation Density.” Janet Kurnatowski: selected artits(s) and work, Craig Olson, “Murcury in the Philosopher’s Egg (Oh! Hospitable Jupiter! And the Trust)”, Ben La Rocco, “Minerva’s Pallette.” English Kills Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Don Pablo Pedro, “jpg #1”, Andrew Hurst, “EOS Digital Rebel ETi.” 440 Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Tom Bovo, “BOVO_TOM_02”, Richard Eagan “EAGAN_RICHARD_01.” LUMENHOUSE: selected artist(s) and work, Jeremiah Teipen, ” Untitled, digital video with screen and player.” Side Show Gallery: selected artist(s) and work, Shari Mendelson, “Bumpy Blue-Green Vessel”, James O. Clark, “Orestes 2006.” Parker’s Box: selected artist(s) and work, Steven Brower, “Child Astronaut Test Suit 1999-2000”, Joshua Stern, “Untitled V” Patrick Martinez “Jesus video.” In addition, a list of Special Projects for Brooklyn Art Now is forthcoming.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday, 3 – 5 March, Noon to 10 pm
Sunday, 6 March, Noon to 6 pm
Thursday, 3 March, 2011, 10:00 pm to 2 am
To read more details about Verge Art Brooklyn click on the link below:
Non-Art Fair Recommendations
Brice Wolkowitz Gallery Presents: José Parlá “Walls Diaries and Paintings” (Manhattan, NYC)
José Parlá “Order, Pattern, Organization, Form and Relationship”. Image Courtesy of the gallery.
Mint&Serf Present: Well Hung: The Chelsea Chapter at +ART. A Fundraiser for Free Arts NYC
Images Of The Week 02.27.11 – Art Fairs Bring New Street Art to Walls
Brooklyn and NYC are Getting Hit! – New stuff is being installed on walls this week from Nick Walker, How & Nosm, TesOne, Bask, Tristan Eaton, Gaia, Clown Soldier, Hellbent, Chris Stain, and more. It’s a hot week in late winter.
We interrupt our regular weekly program of new shots of the street with IN PROGRESS new shots on the street by Nick Walker and How and Nosm and Bask.
This week art fairs will draw huge crowds of collectors and fans, bringing a number of Street Artists with spray paint and brush and wheatpaste in hand to hit up walls with their new pieces. From Fountain to Scope to Volta to Verge to Independent , the city is poppin with new pieces and new installations by scheduled Street Artists, and most likely a fair amount that isn’t scheduled on the streets too.
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
As reported here Friday BSA was with Nick Walker this week as he installed “Anonymity” a brand new stencil in a couple bricked up windows in Brooklyn. While in New York he’s also hit up walls inside and outside the Cooper Square Hotel in Manhattan (see below).
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
As he worked he talked about the significance of this new piece:
Nick Walker: This piece is all about anonymity. When you are a graffiti artist some people play the anonymity card. But then there are those who play the anonymity card one minute and the next minute you see them on the Internet not playing the anonymity game. This piece reflects what I see around me and I see other artists doing. I think that if you are going to play the anonymity game you have to play it from the start and never slip up. For a lot of the artists that I see now is “on-off” thing.
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker “Anonymity” (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Nick Walker (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Southern Street Art talents Bask and TesOne are braving the cold temps in Brooklyn right now to hit walls with How and Nosm and Tristan Eaton as part of Contra Projects, a newly formed alliance of Street Artists who will be traveling around the globe in 2011 lead by visionary Eaton and his equally dynamic brother Matthew.
Opening at Scope this week the roster includes the above with Mr. Jago, DFace, Thomas Thewes, Ron English, James Marshall and TrustoCorp. Before the big Scope opening some of these cats will be hitting walls in BK and here are here are the first progress shots of the wall by How and Nosm from yesterday. They don’t have a name for it yet – suggestions are welcome! Finally a shot of Bask as he traces out the new piece.
How and Nosm (photo © Jaime Rojo)
How and Nosm (photo © Jaime Rojo)
How and Nosm (photo © Jaime Rojo)
How and Nosm (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Bask (photo © Jaime Rojo)
Corey Helford Gallery Presents: D*Face “Going Nowhere Fast” (Culver City, L.A.)
The winter months and grey, grey short days have been kept busy harvesting creatures, painting pictures, approaching new themes and reoccurring dreams… and as Spring approaches it’s time to unveil this new body of work… I’m pleased to announce my solo show at Corey Helford Gallery, Culver City. LA. April 9th.
Corey Helford Gallery
8522 Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA
310 287 2340
Winners! BSA Giveway for “Eloquent Vandals”
“I love art a lot, its a hobby that takes a lot of my time, and helps me being positive and keeps my mind off the more serious things in life,” says prize winner Martin C. from Denmark. Congratulations to him and to Marco C. from Italy who was stoked to win the big prize, “You made my day.” Finally, there is Mika A. from Washington, DC, who is a young street artist there and who sent us a cool pic.
BSA Giveaway: Win “Eloquent Vandals” and NuArt Stuff
Answer 3 Simple Trivia Questions from last nights Brooklynite LIVE chat with Martyn Reed
Man, that was a blast! The Chat Pub over at Brooklynite was pretty crowded last night with an international crowd of beer swilling NuArt fans all yelling and climbing over each other to grab the ear of the guest of honor. Peeps who logged online to see the World Premiere of “Eloquent Vandals” were happily peppering affable bad boy Martyn Reed with questions ranging from his experiences with the NuArt artists (95% good) to how his little Norwegian town became known for amazing Street Art over the course of a decade (work and talent and luck). All that chatter made it hard to hear the movie and if you were like us, you missed most of the show because of all the excitement.
But, as promised, we’re giving away the movie today to you. Just answer these three questions and send them to us at The first three people who answer the three questions correctly win 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize.
No family or pets or employees or landlords of BSA are eligible. All complaints about the hardness of the questions should be addressed directly to Martyn Reed at Good Luck! We’ll tell you who won tomorrow.
Here are your Trivia Questions:
1) In the film, what does Dface’s work ask us to do?
2) GRL is an acronym for what ?
3) Nick Walker is from which British City ?
Shot and directed by Martin Hawkes, the film features work and interviews with Street Artists like Blek Le Rat, Graffiti Research Lab, Dface, Herakut, Nick Walker, Know Hope, Jimmy Cauty, Chris Stain, Wordtomother, Sten & Lex, Dotmasters, Zeus (UK) and Dolk & Pøbel.
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Special thanks to Martyn Reed and Rae McGrath.
Chat With “Eloquent Vandals”: Film Debuts Monday at Brooklynite Online
You Chat Online With Martyn Reed Live Monday 1/31
We’re really happy to see that this project is finished and congratulate Martyn Reed for finishing his film “Eloquent Vandals”, made during the NuArt Festival in Stavanger, Norway. You can congratulate Martyn LIVE when you log in to chat with him and see the WORLD DEBUT of the film next Monday the 31st.
Shot and directed by Martin Hawkes, the film features work and interviews with Street Artists like Blek Le Rat, Graffiti Research Lab, Dface, Herakut, Nick Walker, Know Hope, Jimmy Cauty, Chris Stain, Wordtomother, Sten & Lex, Dotmasters, Zeus (UK) and Dolk & Pøbel.
Win a FREE Copy! To celebrate the World Premier, BSA is hosting a trivia game and giveaway of copies of the film and other NuArt goodies the day after the show — Feb 1.
Street Artist couple Herakut in this film still from “Eloquent Vandals” (© Nuart/Saft films)
French Street Artist and one of the early stencilists Blek Le Rat from “Eloquent Vandals” (© Nuart/Saft films)
Street Artist Know Hope shows how to keep warm by the TV in this film still from “Eloquent Vandals” (© Nuart/Saft films)
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* first image of post is a still featuring work by Blek Le Rat in “Eloquent Vandals” courtesy of Nuart/Saft films.
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Eloquent Vandals
Running time : 27 mins
Shot on location during Norway’s Nuart Festival in 2008, Eloquent Vandals
features candid interviews and work from some of the worlds leading street
artists including Blek Le Rat, Graffiti Research Lab, Dface, Herakut, Nick
Walker, Know Hope, Jimmy Cauty, Chris Stain, Wordtomother, Sten & Lex,
Dotmasters, Dolk & Pøbel.
Shot and Directed by Martin Hawkes
Produced by Nuart/Saft films
L.A. Art Machine At Ace Gallery Presents: D*Face, Mear One, The London Police, Word To Mother, Will Barras and Kofie “Temporary Metropolis” (Los Angeles, CA)
In May 2011, BritWeek, in collaboration with the L.A. ART MACHINE (LAAM), will produce a landmark, large-scale, museum-quality art installation by world-renown artists MEAR ONE (USA) and D*FACE (UK). This exhibition will be the centerpiece of the entire BritWeek Contemporary Art Program and will run approximately two weeks at L.A. MART second floor exhibition hall.
Utilizing approximately 25,000 square-feet, BritWeek & LAAM will encourage the artists to entertain an entire range of expression, employing any media that fits the artists’ concept (i.e. sculpture, digital media, paintings, prints, performance, etc.) The overarching theme, which may be interpreted loosely, is the U.S.-British experience and whatever that may mean to the artists.
In addition, D*FACE and MEAER ONE will commandeer chair sculpture in the parking lot of the L.A. MART as a special project piece for the artists to embellish, paint, and post. This outdoor sculpture may remain in perpetuity as a gift from BritWeek to Los Angeles and an internationally-recognized symbol of the L.A. MART.
Friday, May 6, 2011 at 7:00pm – Saturday, May 14, 2011 at 7:30am
LA MART (entire 2nd floor)
Los Angeles, CA
Stay tuned for updates as the event draws near.
Nomadé Assumes Throne In Burning Los Angeles
LA Freewalls is an ongoing project of legal walls for street artists in Los Angeles that began about a year ago. This is the second time that the LA-based street art collective known as Nomadé participates in LA Freewalls with one of their Roman odes.
Produced by Jetset Graffiti and Lahoda Fine Arts on 50,000 sf of the downtown walls, Nomadé joins other artists who have participated this year including Shepard Fairey, Saber, D*Face, Dabs and Myla, Atlas, Asylm and Andy Rios.
With installations that are at once swaggering, metaphorical, and self-deprecatory, the collective is precision minded in their attention to each detail of their dense productions. This installation honors the oft-admonished directive of seasoned street artists to have good placement – just check out the crumbling facade incorporated into the piece, and the echoing of the cornice detail. This soldier is sitting astride a deteriorating Rome, defending it even as it falls.
Says one the the Nomadé of the Freewalls experience,”It is a great project! We feel privileged to be among so many talented artists. We love seeing our fans, meeting people, passing out posters and stickers. Great fun.”