A sophisticated layering of pieces and decorative patterns create a very effective feat of perspective on this new wall in the Chelyabinsk region, Russia, by artist Daniil Danet at the “Our Mural” festival organized by Graffiti Russia.
The apexed crescents frame a picturesque fishing scene and his added textures borrow from traditional decorative iron arts and street graffiti techniques – an act of equating vastly different histories that is common for those born into the Internet, as Daniil surely was.

He says that the city of Kasli (pop. 16,000) in southwestern Russian Federation is a reflection of the lakes and the Ural mountains that surround it – as well as the culture and industry that grew up around the iron plant and the iron castings it is famous for. Not to mention its proud heritage of sculptures.

“In the drawing, I combined these two elements into one through abstract fragments and thematic composition,” he says. “The main plot is a fisherman who fishes in the vicinity of the lake, enjoying the recreational areas of the city. And in the texture of the lake, patterns of Kasli casting from forged metal, rich in decorativeness, can be traced.”

Area: 216 sq m, 24x9m
Location: Palace of Culture. Zakharova, st. Lenina 16, Kasli city, Chelyabinsk region, Russia
Organizers: festival “Our Mural”, Graffiti Russia