All posts tagged: Chicago

Pawn Works Gallery Presents: Clown Soldier ‘The Human Cannonball’ (Chicago, ILL)

Clown Soldier

‘The Human Cannon Ball’

Clown Soldier is an explosion of absurdity wheatpasted onto a wall near you. Plunging into the outer depths of the concrete jungle, firing a juxtaposition of images and landing in the urban street art scene. The incongruity inside the images reflects the incongruity outside the images: art in and of the urban landscape.  The artist is interested in chance and the role chance plays in his work.  Cut up and re-appropriation is the ever-present theme.  His style is both easily recognizable and beyond the purview of recognizable narrative.

Formally trained in the arts, Clown Soldier brings to the streets an approach devoid of any specific political message or agenda and simply leaves the viewer to take away what they will from what they see.

With a new body of work featuring original paintings and book collages, Clown Soldier is making noise in Chicago for the very first time though he has shown work in the past at the NYSAT New York Street Advertising Takeover-Public Ad Campaign 2009Leo Kesting Gallery “Dead Letter Playground” New York, NY 2010 Living Walls Conference Atlanta, GA 2010 TOSAT Torronto Street Advertising Takeover 2010 Crewest Gallery “Street Degrees of Seperation” LA 2010Fountain Art Fair NY 2010 Munch Gallery “To Japan with Love” 2011 MANY (Murals Around New York)  Vandalog Up Close And Personal New York, NY, most recently.

We will be hosting an event on Friday June 24 from 7-11pm for Clown Soldier: ‘The Human Cannon Ball’ at Pawn Works; Artist will in attendance.

Pawn Works
1050 N. Damen Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60622

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New Work from Specter in Chicago

New work from Specter speaks of his desire to not repeat himself, a quality distinguishing the New Guard of street artists, whose work is highly individual and hand made, from those of the recent past.

The Brooklyn based Street Artist generally denounces the culture of repetition in street art, and takes the practice of making multiples under careful consideration. His precise handmade wheat-pastes and paintings often highlight the individual, many of them regular folks he’s met on the street – and you will usually only see one of them.

brooklyn-street-art-specter-chicago-05-11-1-webSpecter. From “If I Saw You in Heaven” (photo courtesy © of the Artist)

Right now he’s been toying with retooling his work and recently in Chicago he created new stuff that appears to be a repetition of himself without really putting up the same piece twice.  The first piece is from his “If I Saw You in Heaven” series, and the second is from his “Window Project”. Says the artist “It plays with repetition in multiple ways, but on my own terms.”

To expand on the theme, his new show “Repeat Offender” at Pawn Works in Chicago continues the repetition, where he’s showing his work in new tints and configurations, sort of sidebusting himself.


Specter. From “If I Saw You in Heaven” (photo courtesy © of the Artist)


“99 bottles of beer on the wall, 99 bottles of beeeeeeer!  You take one down, pass it around, 98 bottles of beeeeeer! ” Specter. From “Window Project” (photo courtesy © of the Artist)


Specter. From “Window Project” (photo courtesy © of the Artist)


Specter. From “Window Project” (photo courtesy © of the Artist)

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Fun Friday 05.13.11



This weekend is a perfect storm of shows that are opening on the East, West and points in between.

Up Close And Personal: RJ Curates Street Artists Into an Upper West Side Apartment (NYC)

In the intimacy of a private residence in the Manhattan suburbs of UWS, RJ Rushmore of Vandalog fame along with Keith Schweitzer and Mike Glatzer of newly minted M.A.N.Y. have mounted a fresh new open house show just off Broadway. An exquisitely curated show with marquee names and a few newbies the selection is solid in quality and unusual in it’s scale.


Troy Lovegates aka Other (image courtesy of the curators)

Participating artists include:
Aiko, Chris Stain, Clown Soldier, Don Leicht, Edible Genius, Elbowtoe, Gaia, How & Nosm, Jessica Angel, John Fekner, Know Hope, Logan Hicks, Mike Ballard, OverUnder, R. Robot, Radical, Retna, Skewville, Tristan Eaton, Troy Lovegates aka Other and White Cocoa.

Aiko’s cans are on proudly on display at the bachelor pad, and that’s not all (image courtesy of the curators)

Dates: May 12th– 15th, 2011
May 12th, 7 – 9pm
May 13th, 7 – 9pm
May 14th, noon – 9pm
May 15th, noon – 7pm
Note: Due to the limited exhibition space, people may be admitted in block times every half-hour.
Location: Apartment on the Upper West Side (217 West 106th Street, Apartment 1A, New York, NY 10025) – Between Broadway and Amsterdam Avenues.
Cost for entrance: Free

Go to Hellbent and John Breiner Tonight in Brooklyn (NYC)

Mighty Tanka is presenting a show with two Brooklyn based artists: Hellbent and John Breiner.
Mr. Hellbent says of the show: “The best part of making a show like this is to finally see it up on the wall and the way that everything interacts. I have been thinking of these pieces as parts of a quilt, different fabrics being stitched together. The different colors, floral stencils, animals, and jaw bones melding together and playing off one another, even down to the different depths and sizes of panels, but until it was hung they were just pieces, not yet a whole. Its given me an opportunity to show the different elements that i am working with and how they have grown out of one another and to display all the different carvings and stencils patterns together, where on the street they are separated in different locations.”

To learn more about “Smiled Distress” at Mighty Tanaka tonight please click on the link below:

Matt Siren and My Plastic Heart present “Ghost in the Machine” (NYC)

25 spirits in the material world have made tributes to Street Artist Matt Siren’s Ghost Girl character for this show on the Lower East Side tonight. The custom toy show transforms the character that appears in doorways around New York, each putting its own unique spin on his character.


The show includes work from 64Colors, Royce Bannon, Steve Chanks, Chauskoskis, DarkCloud, Deeker, Gril One, J*RYU, Jester, Keely, Abe Lincoln Jr., Map-Map, Marka27, Brent Nolasco, Lou Pimentel, Reactorss, Marc Reusser, Todd Robertson, Robots Will Kill, Chris Ryniak, Matt Siren, Scott Tolleson, Julie West, Wheelbarrow, Wrona

Click on the link below to learn more about this show:

210 Forsyth St   New York NY 10002 | 646 290 6866
Ghost in the Machine
May 13th 2011 – June 12th 2011

Chicago Street Art Show Tonight (CHI)

Tonight the book “Chicago Street Art” is being released at the the Chicago Urban Art Society  in conjunction with a show titled “The Chicago Street Art Show”


Brooklyn’s AD HOC has a New Puppy in Los Angeles (LA)


On the West Coast the dynamic duo and husband and wife Garrison and Allison Buxton have curated a group show “I have a dream, I have a nightmare: Friday the 13th” at The New Puppy Gallery opening this Friaday from 7:00 to 11:00 pm

Artists include: Alison Buxton, Beau Stanton, Bill Fick, Broken Crow, Bunnie Reiss, Chor Boogie, Chris Stain, CRASH, Dabs & Myla, Daryll Peirce, David Loewenstein, Don Leicht, Ezra Li Eismont, Garrison Buxton, Hellbent, Joe Iurato, John Breiner, John Carr, John Fekner, Jordan Seiler, Know Hope, Lady Pink, Michael De Feo, Mikal Hameed, Paul Booth, Peat Wollaeger, Ray Cross, Rex Dingler, ROA, Robert Steel, Sean Starwars, TheDirtyFabulous, & Thundercut.

Ad Hoc Art –

New Puppy LA –

WHERE: 2808 Elm Street, Los Angeles, California 90065

English Kills Group Show Saturday, “The Mother Ship” (NYC)

Chris Harding, owner and ringmaster of the Bushwick Brooklyn-based space station English Kills brings out his strong stable of artists for this group show aptly titled “The Mother Ship” opening this Saturday at 7:00 pm. It’s not necessarily Street Art – but this is a hotbed of new ideas so it is always worth your trip.


Participating artists include:

Brent Owens, Andy Piedilato, Vilaykorn Sayaphet, Jim Herbert, David Pacheco, Hiroshi Shafer, Gyles Thompson, Sarah H. Paulson, Holly Faurot, Tescia Seufferlein, Peter Dobill, Steve Harding, Judith Supine, Lenny Reibstein, Andrew Ohanesian, Jason Peters, Don Pablo Pedro, Steven Thompson, Andrew Hurst and Rob Andrews.

English Kills is located at:

114 Forrest St. Ground Floor
Brooklyn, NY 11206
(718) 366-7323

Specter is a “Repeat Offender” 5/14 at Pawn Works in Chicago (CHI)

Brooklyn based artist Gabriel Specter’s solo show “Repeat Offender” opens this Saturday at the Pawn Works Gallery.


Opening Reception Saturday, May 14, 2011/ 6-10pm

1050 N. Damen Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Ph: 312.841.3986

London Police in Denver, “Amsterydynasty”

In Denver Colorado Black Book Gallery brings back the glamour of the 80’s with The London Police and Handiedan in a show titled “Amsterydynasty”


Opening reception May 14th at 7pm

Click here to learn more about this show

Olek Crochets for a Bicycle in Poland

ROA in San Francisco

Women’s Faces in Art

500 Years of Female Portraits in Western Art by Philip Scott Johnson.

MoCA Art in the Streets. Wisk, Ser, Chubbs and Prime destroy a wall.

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“Chicago Street Art” Debuts with an Exhibition and a Book

Author Joseph J. Depre has been traveling around the world to photograph and write about Street Art for the last few years and and when he returned to his hometown of Chicago he rediscovered his love and appreciation for the art in the streets of his city. The images in his first book just released give a very good documentation of the current scene while his essays are personal, poetic and passionate.

Brooklyn-Street-Art-CHICAGO-STREET-ART-bookOpening tomorrow at the Chicago Urban Art Society is a retrospective of work by many of the artists on that scene today.  With brand new works curated in this not-for-profit gallery environment developed by Lauren Pacheco and Peter Kepha, visitors will have the chance to see the Street Art talent that is growing in their community, including pieces by Artillary, Bonus Saves, Brooks Golden, Chris Silva, CLS, Senor Codo, Cody Hudson, CRO, Cyro, Chris Diers, Don’t Fret, Emen, 80 Legs, Tom Fennell IV, “It’s Yours, Take It”, Goons, The Grocer, Juan Angel Chavez, Kepto Salem, Melt, Nick Adam, Oscar Arriola, Poor Kid, Safety First, Saro, Sighn, Solve, Tiptoe, The Viking, You are Beautiful, among others. More information about the show at the end of the post.


Debuting his book “Chicago Street Art” for the first time at the opening, Mr. Dupre is very excited to see the show come to fruition after nearly a year of planning. Brooklyn Street Art asked him about the Chicago scene today and his new book and he gives us some insights here. We also had an opportunity to shoot some art on the streets of Chicago last month – see photos by Jaime Rojo after the interview.

Brooklyn Street Art: How long have you been preparing this book “Chicago Street Art”?
Joseph Depre:
I originally had the idea for a book on Chicago Street Art when I started to integrate into the Chicago Street Art community in 2004. I think that is about the time I started writing. I was fascinated by these unique artists and was lucky enough to be able to talk openly with a good number of them, bounce ideas off the artists and they helped me refine my thoughts. As I traveled I was able to get together with Street Artists in cities like New York, Berlin, Barcelona, and Sao Paulo. After experiencing the Street Art in these cities and got back to the States my thoughts reflected back to Chicago and the incredible history of Street Art we have here and I thought it was important to give Chicago the recognition it deserves. So I’ve sent the last 9 months talking to all of the Artists and putting this all together.

brooklyn-street-art-chicago-street-art-Solve-Combo-Oscar-Arriola-webBrendan “Solve” Scanlon (photo courtesy of the author © Oscar Arriola) from “Chicago Street Art”


Brendan “Solve” Scanlon (photo courtesy of the author © Oscar Arriola) from “Chicago Street Art”

Brooklyn Street Art: Can you introduce us to the Chicago Street Art scene at this moment from an artist and creative perspective?
Joseph Depre: I won’t be so forward to say I can tell you anything from an artist perspective, but as a conscious observer I can say there are a lot of good things happening in Chicago at the moment. Nice-One seems have refined his characters with an air-brush technique that looks really nice. Don’t Fret has really been putting in his time and effort. His characters are always fun and expressive. He’s turning into to a great storyteller. Mental 312 has been hitting the streets hard and doing some really beautiful work. He’s one of my favorite artists right now.


TipToe (photo courtesy of the author) from “Chicago Street Art”

Brooklyn Street Art: Chicago has a very active anti-graffiti program, which cleans or “buffs” pieces, good and not so good, quickly with brown paint. Can you talk about how Street Artists have responded to the efficient and rapacious pace of buffing?
Joseph Depre:
Most of the Street Artist I know really hate the buff and attribute the fact that Chicago has so little international Street Art respect to “the buff.” But all of these Artists just work harder in spite of the Buff. In New York one piece can stay up for years, in the Chicago the Street Artist has to do 20 pieces just to stay up through the season.

Brooklyn Street Art: Street Artists like Chris Silva and Cody Hudson have gone beyond two-dimensional painted works to create sometimes expansive sculptural set installations. Do you see more stuff like this around Chicago these days?
Joseph Depre:
Oh Yeah. The first artist that comes to mind is CLS. It is really amazing what he has been able with scraps of wood and branches he finds on the street.


Photo courtesy of the author (© Thomas Fennell IV) from “Chicago Street Art”

Brooklyn Street Art: Borrowing a tenet from the flash mob street manifestations of the last decade, Street Artists like BonusSaves devised something called “It’s Yours, Take It”. Can you talk about this practice of giving art to the public and how it has become an international programmatic approach to engaging communities?
Joseph Depre: The Internet has really helped out with this. Through sites like Flickr, BonusSaves is able to organize and direct hundreds of people from all over the place. All with the same state of mind and love of giving art to people and bringing communities together through gifting creativity. But it is not solely his doing… All the artists really believe in the idea and have been running installations in cities all over the world all by themselves. It really is a testament to the power of people to come together and do something really good just for the sake of doing something good.

brooklyn-street-art-chicago-street-art-Nice-One-Let-It-Rain- Chris-Diers-web

Nice One (photo courtesy of the author © Chris-Diers) from “Chicago Street Art”

Brooklyn Street Art: You dedicate a few pages of your book to the occurrence of a piece attributed to London Street Artist Banksy on a wall in Chicago, and the response of the city and other street artists to it. Is there such a thing as a “Banksy Revolution”?
Joseph Depre: I cannot say what Banksy’s actual intent is – only he knows what that is. For my part, I hope he’s attempting a revolution. If not then we are all the butt of a pretty sick joke. I also hope that he doesn’t get discouraged, I think people are just starting to listen. Maybe not the people who were introduced to Street Art through “Exit, Through the Gift Shop” but others.


Mental 312 (photo courtesy of the author © Thomas Fennell IV) from “Chicago Street Art”

Brooklyn Street Art: What do you think distinguishes the Chicago scene and why do you feel an affinity for it?
Joseph Depre:
Other than Chicago being my home and my introduction to Street Art, I think there are quite a few things that distinguish it from the rest of the world. The sculptural history exemplified by the likes of Juan “Angel” Chavez, Cody Hudson, and Chris Silva would be a good place to start. The other thing is that all of the artists are personally close here. Everyone knows everyone. They don’t just meet up at shows and events but talk on a regular basis and are invested in each others’ lives and success.

Brooklyn Street Art had the fortune to be in Chicago for a day recently where photographer Jaime Rojo got an afternoon to run around shooting as much as he could find. Brooklyn artist Gaia had recently been in the city and he left some nice gifts for the Chicago art lovers to enjoy.  The images below are from that visit to Chicago and are not a part of the book “Chicago Street Art”


Mars Dynamo (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Gaia’s tribute to photographer Martha Cooper (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Gaia (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Gaia (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)


“Left Handed Wave” (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Artist Unknown (photo © Jaime Rojo)


“Left Handed Wave” (photo © Jaime Rojo)


Buffer Chicago Style (photo © Jaime Rojo)

Chicago Urban Art Society, 2229 South Halsted. The show will run until June 4.

Book Cover Artist: Chris Sliva

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Pawn Works Gallery Presents: Gabriel Specter “Repeat Offender” (Chicago, ILL)


Pawn Works Presents


May 14- June17, 2011

Opening Reception Saturday, May 14, 2011/ 6-10pm

Brooklyn-based, Gabriel Specter is internationally known for precise street installations that revitalize forgotten environments. Taking an anthropological approach to his subject matter defines Specter’s aesthetic. Striking paintings and sculptures document change, celebrate the marginalized and ultimately become monuments to common urban experience.

In his first Chicago show Specter addresses the culture of repetition in street art that he notoriously denounces. He generally refuses to work in multiples, but in this work, REPEAT OFFENDER, Specter plays with repetition on his own terms.

First, he garners images from previous projects to hand-paint, carve and paste a central, large scale 8’ x 8’ piece. Using that as a reference he re-paints selected sections resulting in works that vary in scale, color and medium from that of the original. Specter stretches his muscles in figurative and abstract painting with this new body of work. Each piece is meticulously made employing a range of techniques and materials to impart an authentic, ‘stolen-from-the-street’ quality.

We will be hosting an event on Saturday May 14 from 6-10pm for Gabriel Specter: Repeat Offender at Pawn Works; Artist will be in attendance.

1050 N. Damen Ave.
Chicago, Illinois 60622

Ph: 312.841.3986

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Fun Friday 03.25.11


GAIA in Chicago Tonight

If you blow into Chicago this weekend check out New York Street Artist GAIA’s solo show at Maxwell Colette Gallery, “Resplendent Semblance”


(photo courtesy © of the gallery)

To read more details about the show, time and location click on the link below:


Gaia at work on  “Resplendent Semblance” (photos courtesy © of the gallery)

Celebrate the Rockin Life of Liz Taylor

London Police and David Choe at Eatern District Tomorrow

VIDEO Show at Eastern District in Bushwick Saturday


And if you are in New York this Saturday head over to Eastern District for an Art and Video installation featuring original works by David Choe, The London Police, Franki Chan, Cherly Dunn, Gluekit, Matt Goldman, Cody Hudson & Jared Eberhardt, Mackie Osborne, Souther Salazar, and SSUR

Eastern District

Pop Plus Punk Sunday with Exit Art show at Littlefield in GOWANUS


This Sunday head over to Brooklyn’s Gowanus section for Exit Art’s Pop Art Explosion. A fun group show and punk music  featuring works by Street Artists Tip Toe and Pork among others.

Littlefield NY

Click on the link below to learn more details, time and location of the show;

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Maxwell Colette Gallery and Pawn Works Present Gaia “Resplendent Semblance” (Chicago, IL)

Maxwell Colette Gallery and Pawn Works have joined forces to bring internationally lauded contemporary artists to Chicago, who are known for their involvement in the Street Art movement. The first of these joint ventures, GAIA: Resplendent Semblance, launches this month with a series of projects showcasing the artist Gaia. The events will include a show of new, large scale paintings and decollage on wood art works at Maxwell Colette Gallery, a site specific installation and show featuring additional pieces at the Pawn Works space and a massive window installation at State Street and Adams presented in conjunction with The Chicago Loop Alliance’s Pop Up Art Loop initiative.

Maxwell Colette Gallery and Pawn Works will co-host an opening reception for GAIA:Resplendent Semblance on Friday, March 25th from 6 – 9 pm in Maxwell Colette’s space at 833 W. Chicago Ave, suite 200.

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Specter Finds His Sisters In Paris and Chicago

brooklyn-street-art-specter-12-10-rachi-closeupSpecter (photo © Specter)

“Class, today we are going to make puppets. Jimmy sit down please. Did everyone remember to bring a sock to school today as I had requested last Thursday? Yolanda do you have yours? Jenelle?  Good. Let’s see everybody hold their sock in the air. Okay good. Jimmy… Okay these are going to be our “pretend friends”.  And does everyone have two buttons for the eyes?  Okay, I’ll wait until some people in the back stop talking – I’m sure we all would like to get on with the project.  Tony and Lindsay, do I need to split you two up?”

brooklyn-street-art-specter-12-10-rachiSpecter © photo Specter

Art classes at school are just about the funnest thing there is – mostly because they combine work and play and imagination. Brooklyn Street Artist Specter has been making his own imaginary friends on the streets of Paris and Chicago this fall. To be more precise, he’s been making sisters – the ones he says he wished he could have  when he was a kid.

The new series is called “Les Filles”, and it is “about my mate’s five sisters and my desire to have sisters my entire life. Now I feel like I have what I’ve always wanted,” explains Specter excitedly, as he contemplates eating some paste while Miss Pennywhistle writes something on the chalkboard.

brooklyn-street-art-specter-12-10-lena-1Specter © photo Specter


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Street Art Against War, Supports Vets in Chicago

Justseeds and IVAW collaborate on “Operation Exposure”.


“Operation Exposure: War is Trauma”, a coordinated Street Art action to raise awareness of the poor way veterans are treated after they are injured, took place on the streets of Chicago last week.  Sponsored by Iraq Veterans Against the War (IVAW) and the Justseeds Artists’ Cooperative, the postering campaign took over public space that is usually reserved for encouraging citizens to think of themselves purely as consumers.

brooklyn-street-art-just-seedsImages Courtesy of Justseeds

The wheat-pasting collaboration with Street Artists and war veterans tells of a suicide epidemic in the armed forces and the practice of re-deploying of troops multiple times despite serious debilitating injury, and the silent suffering of neighbors who are touched by our wars.  Veterans, artists, and volunteers met in Rogers Park and divided into teams for the installation. They divided up posters that Justseeds had designed for IVAW and then hit the streets.

Click here to continue reading this article on Justseeds…

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