One of New York’s Visiting Photographers Shows His Collection of Sticker Pics
New York is blessed with thousands, maybe millions of visitors every year. Some come for Broadway, The Naked Cowboy and Nathan’s hotdogs. Others come for the street art. Richard Skinner from Ireland shows us the cool stickers he shot while here.
~with images and text by Richard Skinner
When I arrived in New York, although I already knew how big street art was, it still amazed me and made me happy to see it in person.
As I looked at all the art I noticed the mass amount of stickers covering the posts and traffic lights all over the city, and I had not really seen it documented properly before, so I started. Walking the city for hours capturing the stickers that a lot of people in one of America’s biggest city’s fail to notice.
A lot of these stickers are very well designed graphically, and I try to capture them in a way that the background compliments this. Some are just plain funny. Sometimes they can be in awkward places so to document them I took a close up. I find it interesting to spot these stickers all over the city and see the length some artists go to have themselves recognized.
I have much respect for all the artists involved and it’s a pleasure to document it. I hope my photographs can make these pieces of art last longer than they might normally.
To see more of Richard’s work go HERE
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