All posts tagged: Billboards

Bamboo Replaces Billboard on LA Freeway

 “Imagine floating, globally connected urban forests growing where billboards stand. Artist Stephen Glassman and his team are doing it.”

Here’s a unique breath of fresh air by artist Stephen Glassman, an LA based sculptor who has worked many times with bamboo for large projects in the public realm. Here he has an idea for designing and engineering a green project that reclaims one of the thousands of billboards in Los Angeles and turns it into an oasis of bamboo.

Image © Stephen Glassman

With an eye toward bamboo’s resiliency, Glassman creates here a welcome metaphor for the man-made environment and our ability to adapt it to our changing needs and evolving understanding of our internal and external environments.

“UrbanAir transforms existing urban billboards to living, suspended bamboo gardens. Embedded with intelligent technology, UrbanAir becomes a global node – an open space in the urban skyline… An artwork, symbol, and instrument for a green future.”

You can donate to his Kickstarter page to help make it happen.

All images ©  Stephen Glassman


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