All posts tagged: Berni Puig

Poliniza-DOS Elevates the Intervention Art Form in Valencia, Spain

Poliniza-DOS Elevates the Intervention Art Form in Valencia, Spain

Festival d’Art Urbà Poliniza Dos may have an online presence that is difficult to access for the average street art fan. Still, the murals created for this ongoing urban art festival at the Polytechnic University of Valencia speak for themselves.

Slim Safont. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)

Brilliant productions and unusual investigations are created in and around the campus, engaging students and the local community to consider the role of art in the public sphere, its pertinence and meaning, and our relationship to it. Its direct and scholarly approach means that the public is invited, and artists are given an opportunity to share their practice with an appreciative and considered audience.

Slim Safont. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)

For more than a decade, this competition has selected from an open call for submissions and invited many of Spain’s curious thinkers, experimenters, interventionists, trouble-makers, street artists, and muralists to create new pieces for consideration, discussion, and appreciation. This program is where the work is done on the wall, inside the mind, and in the heart.

Recently photographer Luis Olive captured these murals from the 2021 and 2022 editions of PolinizaDos, and he shares what he found today with BSA readers.

Escif and Axel Void. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Guzman/Subterraneos. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Guzman/Subterraneos. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Subterraneos. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Eddith Chavez. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Taller Burro Press. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Mari Mariel. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Sucri / Furyo. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Sucri / Furyo. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Edoardo Ettorre. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
MOHA. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
MOHA. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Lula Goce. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)
Berni Puig. POLINIZADOS Urban Art Festival. Polytechnic University of Valencia. Valencia, Spain. (photo © Lluis Olive Bulbena)

Learn more about Poliniza Dos on their Instagram account.

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Selections From 16th Festival Asalto / Zaragoza, Spain

Selections From 16th Festival Asalto / Zaragoza, Spain

The Asalto Festival celebrated its 16th edition this past December 2021 in Zaragoza, Spain. With 300 artists over the years and Covid threatening to make it stop, somehow Asalto still came back strong – focusing on murals on a more human scale and on involving the community in a direct way.

Ekosaurio. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)

Participating artists were Asis Percales, Berni Puig, Dani Hache, Ecosaurio, Letsornot, Maite Rosende, Mina Hamada, Nelio, Olga de Dios and Twee Muizen. Each artist appeared to create murals that are more on an intimate scale, perhaps just large enough for you to encounter with a friend, rather than 300 friends.

Organizers said one of their goals was for “artists to treat the history of the neighborhood of the Arrabal de Zaragoza and the relationship with its people with great sensitivity, as well as the structure and dimensions of the environment and its historical structures.”

Twee Muizen. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)

The festival is well regarded, has received many accolades and awards, and is sponsored by the city council, some foundations, and a few commercial brands. In addition to the painting of murals the festival hosts workshops, education classes, and tours with citizens and visitors. One particularly unique program pairs Spanish artists with local citizens “to create unique works inspired by their stories.”

Today we have just a few shots of the new murals and artworks created for Asalto 16th Edition.

Asis Percales. Detail. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)
Asis Percales. Detail. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)
Maite Rosende. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)
Berni Puig. Detail. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)
Dani Hache. Detail. Festival Asalto 16th Edition. Zaragoza, Spain. (photo courtesy of the festival)

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