Results for: skount

Skount Paints an Inner World Outside in Kuwait City

Kuwait is upping its game by encouraging more Street Art and artists to come and create – like this new one by Skount completed as part of the Alwan Art Festival. In his typical cosmological and spiritual manner, Skount invokes the planets as experienced by figurative vessels in folkloric inspired attire. Here “In/Out Inner World

Skount, Skullduggery, and a Faceless Spanish Conquistador

“This historical character is a clear example of how a human being in search of better life, new experiences and knowledge, can become corrupted by power and greed, causing death – and even attract own death,” says Skount of this faceless conquistador now painted in Almagro, Spain. Skount. “Explorer, Conqueror and Death” Almagro, Spain. January,

Skount & Amsterdam DNA: Dutch Historical Art and an Exploded Prism

‘Amsterdam DNA: Street Art’ at the Jongensbinnenplein of the Amsterdam Museum. Amsterdam Museum featured Street Artists in their recent Museum Nacht on November 8 as part of an outdoor exhibition called AmsterdamDNA. As Street Art continues to make its way into museum collections, it is interesting to see this work exhibited just outside the door

Skount and his “Inner Universe Projections” in Amsterdam

Skount sent us a some images of a commercial gig he got with a small club and aspiring center of culture in Amsterdam and we thought you would enjoy seeing how his work on the street translates to indoor mural-ish work. Entitled “Inner Universe Projections”, Skount says it is inspired by a scaler field in

Skount and Kera on a Wall and a Train in Germany

Skount has been experimenting with abstract patterns in some of his new work, especially this new wall with his bro Kera in Berlin. The attraction of abstraction continues to appear in Street Art and murals, and our theory today for its resurgence is that it is an unconscious way of assembling the multiple media/entertainment streams

Skount and Pau Quintana Jornet Make a “Spring Offering”

In Amsterdam the temperature is above freezing and the trees are beginning to show little buds on the branches. With any luck this new “spring offering” by Skount and Pau Quintana Jornet will usher in the end of winter faster. Pau Quintana Jornet and Skount collaboration in Amsterdam. “Spring Offering” (photo © Skount) Inspired by Norse mythology,

Skount Reveals “Inner Colour” in Amsterdam

After a year that included painting walls and exhibiting canvasses and giving talks about his mythologically inspired painted universe in Australia, US, France, Spain, and the Netherlands in 2013, Street Artist Skount ended 2013 with a big wall back in Amsterdam called “Inner Colour” He says that he was motivated by an observation that most

“Street Art Rebellion” Joins “Extinction Rebellion” to #loveplanet

Street Art Rebellion & Extinction Rebellion have created a participative poster campaign called #loveplanet. Artworks available to everyone for FREE and for many ecological fights around the world. As we continue to explore the art of rebellion around the world and the artivists who are using their communal talents around the world to turn the

BSA Images Of The Week: 11.05.17

Welcome! Here’s our weekly interview with the streets, this week featuring BK Foxx, City Kitty, Dain, Jucer, Nick Walker, Praxis REVOK, Sam Himer, Sheryo, Skount, Smells, The Yok, Turtle Caps, UFO 907, WRDSMTH. Top image: Praxis (photo © Jaime Rojo) BK Foxx creates this new mural on gun violence in our country, which glamorizes guns

“Street Art” by Ed Bartlett: A Quick Primer for the World Traveler

Since the early 70s Lonely Planet publishing has made guidebooks for travelers of the world, enabling people to gain a greater understanding and to appreciate localities, cultures, and histories. Ed Bartlett now adds to this vast compendium of understanding a concise and varied survey of Street Art from his vantage point as an avid bicyclist,