
Fun Friday 04.20.12

1. ROA at StolenSpace “Hypnagogia” (London)
2. Katowice Street Art Festival 4/20-29 (Poland)
3. LALA Gallery Inauguration Saturday (Los Angeles)
4. Herakut “Loving the Exiled” at 941 Geary (San Francisco)
5. Marsea Gives You the “High Five!” at New Image Art Saturday (LA)
6. Erica Il Cane  “Una Vita Violenta” at Fifty24MX Gallery (Mexico City)
7. Brett Amory “Waiting 101” at Outsiders Gallery (Newcastle, UK)
8. OLEK in Barcelona with Botero (VIDEO)
9. C215 “About Copyrights” (VIDEO)
10. The Bushwick Trailer (VIDEO)

ROA at StolenSpace “Hypnagogia” (London)

With his current show, now on view at the StolenSpace Gallery in London, ROA will demonstrate how you can be asleep and awake at the same time. His solo show “Hypnagogia” opens today to the general public and offers a dissected view of ROA’s fantastic world of animals and beasts. ROA’s hand crafted book “An Introduction To Animal Representation” by Mammal Press is on sale at The Old Truman Brewery on 91 Brick Lane. Hurry there are only only 125 tomes being offered.

Roa (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Katowice Street Art Festival 4/20-29 (Poland)

Katowice, a Silesian city in Southern Poland celebrates Street Art with their own Street Art Festival, now on its second year, from April 20 through April 29. The gray, concrete architecture that dominates this town will be imbued with color, shapes and fantasy with the help of this city most prominent daughter, OLEK aided by an illustrious list of first rate of fine and Street Artists including Mark Kenkins, Escif, Boogie, Moneyless, Ganzeer, Ludo, Mona Tusz, Swanski, 0700 Team, Tellas, Dan Witz, Hyuro, M City, ROA, Goro, Kilo, Nespoon, Aryz, 108, Wers, Ciah-Ciah, Etam Crew, Otecki, Razpajzan, Sepe, Chazme, CFNTX Crew, Onte, Jezmirski, Terry Grand, Dast, Impact, Malik, Turbos and Mentalgassi.

Olek (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this festival click here.

LALA Gallery Inauguration Saturday (Los Angeles)

The West Coast continues to assert itself as a power house in the art world and as a Street Art mecca with the inaugural show of LALA Gallery. A brand new gallery conceived by Daniel Lahoda, the mind and soul and legs of LA Freewalls Project.

LALA’s line up of artists for this first show augurs an auspicious beginning and a successful life which we hope last for a long, long time. “LA Freewalls Inside” is the title of this show and artists included are: Anthony Lister, Askew One, Becca, Cern, Chris Brand, Cryptik, Cyrcle, Dale VN Marshall, Dan Witz, Daze, Dee Dee Cheriel, Evan Skrederstu, How & Nosm, Insa, Jaybo, Kim West, Kofie, Lady Aiko, Ludo, Mear, The Perv Brothers, Poesia, Push, Pyro, Ripo, Risk, Ron English, Saber, Shepard Fairey, Swoon and Zes.

Dan Witz. Detail of his installation “The Prisoners” on the walls of LALA. (photo © Dan Witz)

Askew One for LA Freewalls Project. (photo © Todd Mazer)

For further details regarding this show click here.

Herakut “Loving the Exiled” at 941 Geary (San Francisco)

Herakut, the indefatigable German collective are a busy duo with an impressive craft and a mastery of the can and paint brushes. Never compromising their artistic output regardless of their environment or medium they set their collaborative standards high with an output rich in earthy colors. Their palette of ores, reds, grays, oranges, blues, browns and yellows give birth to a universe of characters that are  fantastic and mysterious and in pursuit of you, the spectator. In San Francisco at 941 Geary Gallery Saturday the reception will be open for the artists and you at “Loving the Exiled”.

Hera at work in preparation for the show. (photo courtesy © Jennifer Goff)

Akut at work in preparation for the show. (photo courtesy © Jennifer Goff)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Group Show “High Five!” at New Image Art Saturday (LA)

HIGH FIVE! the new group show at New Image Art Gallery in Los Angeles opens tomorrow and the artists include Alia Penner, Ashely Macomber, Curtis Kulig, Deanna Templeton, Maya Hayuk and Vanessa Prager.

Curtis Kulig AKA Love Me (photo © Jaime Rojo)

For further information regarding this show click here.

Also happening this weekend:

Tomorrow, Saturday April 22 will be the last day to see Erica Il Cane show “Una Vita Violenta” at the Fifty24MX Gallery in Mexico City.  The gallery will also participate with Erica Il Cane at the Zona Maco Mexico Arte Contemporaneo Art Fair in Mexico City. April 18 – April 22. For further details about “Una Vita Violenta” click here. For more details about Zona Maco, Mexico Arte Contemporaneo Art Fair click here.

Brett Amory solo show “Waiting 101” At the Outsiders Gallery in Newcastle, UK opens today to the general public. Click here for more details about this show.

OLEK in Barcelona with Botero (VIDEO)

Still working on that scarf you’ve been knitting for OLEK’s birthday? You missed it.

C215 “About Copyrights” (VIDEO)

The Bushwick Trailer (VIDEO)

Starring: Bishop 203, Veng and Never

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Katowice Street Art Festival. April 20 – April 29 2012 (Katowice, Poland)

Katowice Street Art Festival

Olek (photo courtesy © Olek)

Katowice Street Art Festival

20-29 kwietnia 2012


Olek (USA)


plac pod Spodkiem, Katowice

Mentalgassi (Niemcy)



Mark Jenkins (USA)


ul. Mariacka 15, Katowice

Nawer vs. Temporary Space Design / DJ Krime / Daniel Drumz


godz. 20.00

sala widowiskowa DOKP, al. Roździeńskiego 1

wstęp: 5 pln


Roa (Belgia)


ul. Mariacka Tylna 11, Katowice

M-City (Polska)


ul. Sobieskiego 13, Katowice

Escif (Hiszpania)


ul. Mikusińskiego 5, Katowice

Hyuro (Argentyna)


ul. Gliwicka 58, Katowice

Moneyless (Włochy)


ul. Mariacka Tylna 13a, Katowice

Tellas (Włochy)


ul. Mariacka Tylna 13, Katowice

Swanski (Polska)


ul. Monte Cassino 5, Katowice

Ludo (Francja)


ul. Markiefki 55, Katowice

Drobczyk / Mona Tusz / Vero King / Raspazjan (Polska)


wiadukt przy ul. Mikołowskiej, Katowice

Śląski Mural (Polska)


wiadukt przy ul. Mikołowskiej, Katowic


Boogie: Bangkok, Belgrad, Kingston (Serbia / USA)

20.04-6.05.2012, wernisaż 20.04 o godz. 18.00

Galeria Centrum (d. Sektor I), Centrum Kultury Katowice, pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2



godz. 19.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

Basquiat. Une Vie

Francja 2010, 52 min.

reżyseria: J.M. Vecchiet

występują: Bruno Bischofberger, Kai Eric, Micheal Holman i in.


godz. 20.15

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

Basquiat – Taniec ze śmiercią

USA 1996, 108 min.

reżyseria: Julian Schnabel

występują: Jeffrey Wright, Benicio del Toro, David Bowie, Gary Oldman, Denis Hopper i in.


godz. 18.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

Basquiat, promienne dziecko

USA 2010, 88 min.

reżyseria: Tamra Davis

występują: Julian Schnabel, Larry Gagosian, Fat 5 Freddy, Thurston Moore i in.


godz. 20.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

The New York Beat Movie a.k.a. Downtown 81

USA 1981, 72 min.

reżyseria: Edo Bertoglio

występują: Fat 5 Freddy, Vincent Gallo, Deborah Harry, John Lurie i in.



godz. 18.00

Rondo Sztuki, Rondo im. Gen. J. Ziętka 1

Podczas tegorocznej edycji Festiwalu odbędzie się debata poświęcona wyzwaniom, jakie obecnie stają przed street artem – komercjalizacją, festiwalizacją, wejściem sztuki ulicy do czterech ścian galerii. Do zabrania głosu zostali zaproszeni: Kristel Talv (Nuart Festival ze Stavanger w Norwegii), Angelo Milano (FAME Festival z Grottaglie we Włoszech) oraz Polacy: Ixi Color z Fundacji Vlepvnet w Warszawie i Michał Bieżyński z Fundacji Urban Forms w Łodzi. Debatę poprowadzi Łukasz Greszta (portal


Prezentując najnowsze zjawiska współczesnego street artu nie można pominąć zeszłorocznych ruchów rewolucyjnych, które przetoczyły się przez kraje Bliskiego Wschodu i które odbiły się szerokim echem na całym świecie. Znaczącą rolę w tych wydarzeniach odegrała egipska scena artystyczna, która – wychodząc na ulicę i tworząc tam politycznie zaangażowane prace – zachęcała ludzi do sprzeciwu wobec tyranii i zniewoleniu przez ówczesne władze. Wracając do tego, co leżało u podstaw street artu, egipscy artyści pokazali światu, jaką rolę może odgrywać sztuka w przestrzeni publicznej, nie ulegając przy tym komercjalizacji, uprzedmiotowieniu i dekoracyjności.

Ahmad Abdalla


godz. 20.00

Kinoteatr Rialto, ul. św. Jana 24

The Microphone

Egipt 2010, 120 min.

reżyseria: Ahmad Abdalla

+ spotkanie z reżyserem

Ganzeer – spotkanie


godz. 18.00

Klub Festiwalowy KATO, ul. Mariacka 13


Young Fathers – koncert otwarcia


godz. 20.00

ul. Mariacka

U Know Me Night: Kixnare / Teielte


godz. 21.00

Klub Festiwalowy KATO, ul. Mariacka 13

KATO meets BRESLAU: Teleport Katowice / Igor Boxx


godz. 20.00

Podcienia Centrum Kultury Katowice, pl. Sejmu Śląskiego 2

Cosmin TGR


godz. 21.00

Flow Club

ul. 3 Maja 23

wstęp: 10 pln

Nawer vs. Temporary Space Design / DJ Krime / Daniel Drumz


godz. 20.00

sala widowiskowa DOKP, al. Roździeńskiego 1

wstęp: 5 pln

MaxFlo Fest


godz. 20.00

Mega Club, ul. Żelazna 9

wstęp: pierwsze 300 sztuk – 25 pln, w przedsprzedaży – 30 pln, w dniu koncertu – 35 pln


Warsztaty z kibicami


Prowadzenie: Urwis

Uczestnicy: kibice GKS Katowice / zapisy zamknięte

miejsce: Stadion GKS Katowice / ul. Jabłoniow

Warsztaty z typografii miejskiej



Prowadzenie: Zofia Oslislo-Piekarska

Uczestnicy: dzieci uczęszczające do MDK Bogucice

Miejsce: MDK Bogucice

Warsztaty dźwiękowe


Prowadzenie: Marcin Dymiter

Uczestnicy: 16-30 lat / zapisy:

Miejsce: SARP Katowice, ul. Dyrekcyjna 9

Warsztaty z szablonu


Prowadzenie: Czarnobyl / Pisa73

Uczestnicy: młodzież z Domu Dziecka Stanica

Miejsce: Dom Dziecka Stanic




godz. 20.00

plac pod Spodkiem
Przed wyjazdem, w godzinach 18.00 – 20.00 na placu pod Spodkiem odbędą się warsztaty frisbee, które poprowadzi Śląskie Stowarzyszenie Graczy Ultimate Freezebeatz.

Wycieczka rowerowa szlakiem sztuki PRL-u


godz. 10.00


Start: KATObar, ul. Mariacka 13

Zawody rolkowo-deskowe


godz. 10.00

Miejsce: Skatepark PTG, Katowice
W czasie trwania zawodów, w godz. 10.00 – 18.00 odbędą się warsztaty frisbee, które poprowadzi Śląskie Stowarzyszenie Graczy Ultimate Freezebeatz.

Wycieczka rowerowa szlakiem katowickich murali


godz. 10.00


Start: KATObar, ul. Mariacka 13


Warsztaty budowania latawców

15.03.2012 / 1.04.2012

godz. 16.00

Warsztaty tworzenia murali


godz. 12.00 – 14.00

Prowadzenie: Stowarzyszenie Kuklok


godz. 10.00-16.00

Prowadzenie: 0700 team

miejsce: klub Piekarni.

Piknik z Latawcem


godz. 13.00

Kopiec Wyzwolenia, Piekary Śląskie

0700 team


Kamienica na rogu ul. Bytomskiej i Wyszyńskiego

oraz Brzeziny Śląskie

Stowarzyszenie Kuklok


Kamienica na rogu ul. Wyszyńskiego i Traugutta

Przegląd Piekarskich Amatorskich Zespołów Muzycznych


Ośrodek Kultury Andaluzja, ul. Oświęcimska 45

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Anonymus Gallery Presents: Maya Hayuk “Apocabliss” (Mexico City, MX)


MAYA HAYUK obsesses with symmetry and nourishing color played out in what might be viewed from a kaleidoscope, an aura, or visual mantra. Embracing sexuality and spirituality via symbolism evocative of radiantly woven geometries and parted orifices of the body, her work tries to decode a process towards continuity and wholeness while striking chords of an almost pathological optimism.

Apocalypse: the end of the universe, the collapse of civilization. Bliss: euphoria, peace and joy. The marriage of these 2 words is Apocabliss. With the turn of the New Year, 2012 brought with it prophesies of disaster based on interpretations of the Mayan calendar. Maya Hayuk’s solo exhibition, 2012 APOCABLISS embraces this theme but instead reflects on the possibility of the beginning – the desire to accept positive visions of a future renewed, rather than those of death and destruction. Since ancient times the end of world has brought a haunting pessimism. However Hayuk understands the meaning of these forecasts instead as a transformation in the order of the world as we know it. The real journey of evolution results in the spirit of what remains. Apocabliss is the end of an era beckoning euphoria, peace, and the joy of change.

From her large-scale murals to works on canvas, Maya Hayuk uses bold, explosive colors that often double and refract abstract shapes in proportioned patterns that literally vibrate off the canvas and walls. Layers of electric colors organically bleed and drip into new ones, creating psychedelic zones where space and time collide and form new visual wormholes. Influences abound from Madras patterns and Mexican hand woven blankets, Ukrainian crafts and holograms. Maya Hayuk explores concepts of light, space, fractals and symmetry. Painted diptychs, mirrored versions of each other, like rorschach tests or the two hemispheres of the mind, perfectly flawed in their symmetry. A visual utopia is created through the perfect state of geometric abstraction and subjective composition.

Maya Hayuk is a muralist, painter, and photographer, who’s been living in Brooklyn for the past decade. Her work has been shown internationally, including at New Image Art in LA, Gallery 16 in San Francisco, A.L.IC.E. Gallery in Brussels, and MU, Eindhoven, in the Netherlands, as well as large-scale murals in Brazil, Bejing, the Bahamas, Chile. Maya frequently collaborates with other artists and musicians. She has been a member of the artist collective BARNSTORMERS since 2002 alongside artists including Swoon, David Ellis, Doze Green and Ryan Mc Ginness. She has also produced work for musicians such as M.I.A., TV on the Radio, The Flaming Lips, Devendra Banhardt, Seun Kuti, Prefuse 73, Awesome Color, Oakley Hall, Home, Animal Collective, Dan Deacon and The Beastie Boys, amongst others.

The exhibition 2012 APOCABLISS at Anonymous Gallery in Mexico City marks Maya Hayuk’s first SOLO exhibition with the Gallery. In April Hayuk is also participating in HIGH FIVE, a group show at New Image Art Gallery in Los Angeles. In June she will launch a 2-person show with Paul Wackers at A.L.I.C.E. Gallery in Brussels and will be publishing another series of screen prints with Pictures on Walls.

173 Zacatecas
Col. Roma Norte, Cuauhtémoc
Ciudad de México, Mexico 06700

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Corey Helford Gallery Presents: Buff Monster “Legend of the Pink Cherry” (Culver City, CA)

Buff Monster

Opening Reception Saturday, April 14, 2012 from 7‑10pm
On View April 14 – May 5, 2012

On Saturday, April 14, Los Angeles street artist Buff Monster returns to Corey Helford Gallery to unveil the “Legend of the Pink Cherry,” his fifth solo exhibition at the gallery and his most ambitious to date.

Internationally known for his super bright, happy, and bold imagery, the paintings in the main gallery will celebrate the last eleven years of Buff Monster’s career, culminating in a timeless epic tale of good vs. evil. For the “Legend of the Pink Cherry,” the artist draws inspiration from Renaissance paintings. Buff Monster will introduce his latest creamy creation, a soft serve ice cream cone with human-like arms and legs. Each acrylic-on-wood panel piece in the show is delicately rendered with airbrush, a first for the artist.

Buff Monster’s narratives are more character and figure-based than before, and the series of paintings created for the exhibition will also reveal a new direction in Buff Monster’s career. “I’ve always thought of my work as inspired by and representative of Los Angeles—Hollywood more specifically. Los Angeles is the birthplace of Buff Monster. Part of why I feel compelled to tie everything together is that I feel that this chapter of my life and my work is coming to an end, and I’m looking to the future. It’s time to go East.”

The upstairs gallery will feature the second half of the exhibition, the debut of a project Buff Monster has been working towards his entire career: “The Melty Misfits,” a set of 60 collectible trading cards honoring the the Garbage Pail Kids. “I know more about Garbage Pail Kids than anyone you will ever meet,” Buff Monster adds, and in keeping true to the original form, each painting is 5”x7” on watercolor paper with acrylic and airbrush. The cards will be released on opening night, and the original paintings will be on display. Buff Monster notes, “I am going through a ton of work to make these as close to the vintage cards that we grew up with as possible. They’ll be printed offset using a custom paper stock and custom-mixed inks, and will come in wax packages just like cards from the 80s.”

The opening reception for the “Legend of the Pink Cherry” takes place Saturday, April 14 —Buff Monster’s birthday —at Corey Helford Gallery. The reception is open to the public, and the exhibition will be on view through May 5, 2012.

Buff Monster
Buff Monster lives in Hollywood and cites heavy metal music, ice cream and Japanese culture as major influences. The color pink, a symbol of confidence, individuality and happiness, is present in everything he creates. Buff Monster’s creative endeavors began by putting up thousands of hand-silkscreened posters across Los Angeles and in far-away places. His frequent poster missions developed into a productive street art career, and he now works on fine art paintings, collectible toys and select design projects. He paints on wood, taking great care to create his images as flat as possible. His work has been shown in galleries worldwide, often accompanied by large installations. Buff Monster has released numerous signature vinyl toys through leading vinyl toy companies, and has many other projects in the works. His art has been published in a variety of magazines, websites, newspapers and books, including Juxtapoz, Paper, Nylon, Cool Hunting, Angeleno, The Los Angeles Times, LA Weekly, The New York Times, and many more. He was recently featured in Banksy’s movie Exit Through the Gift Shop. And in January of this year he painted a mural on the exterior of The Standard Hotel in Downtown Los Angeles. Buff Monster works tirelessly day and night to spread happiness, joy and a love of pink. For more information about the artist, please visit

Corey Helford Gallery
Located in the Culver City Art District, Corey Helford Gallery was established in 2006 by Jan Corey Helford and her husband, television producer and creator, Bruce Helford (Anger Management, The Drew Carey Show, George Lopez, The Oblongs). Corey Helford Gallery represents a diverse collection of Contemporary artists influenced by today’s pop culture, encompassing the genres of New Figurative, Pop Surreal, Graffiti and Street Art. Artists include Josh Agle (Shag), Ray Caesar, D*Face, Chloe Early, EINE, Ron English, Natalia Fabia, HUSH, Kukula, Lola, The London Police, Sylvia Ji, Eric Joyner, Michael Mararian, Brandi Milne, Buff Monster, Risk, Amy Sol, TrustoCorp, Martin Wittfooth, and Nick Walker. Renowned for its notable exhibitions, the gallery has presented “Charity By Numbers,” which was co-curated by Gary Baseman and featured an unprecedented lineup of artists including Mark Ryden, Marion Peck, Shepard Fairey, Todd and Kathy Schorr, Camille Rose Garcia, and Michael Hussar, as well as “La Noche de la Fusion,” an epic Carnivalesque festival and solo exhibition for Pervasive artist Gary Baseman. In 2010, Corey Helford Gallery partnered with Bristol’s City Museum & Art Gallery for the transatlantic collaboration “Art From The New World,” a world-class United Kingdom museum exhibition showcasing work by a formidable group of 49 of the finest emerging and noted American artists. Corey Helford Gallery presents new exhibitions approximately every four weeks. For more information and an upcoming exhibition schedule, please visit

Corey Helford Gallery
8522 Washington Boulevard
Culver City, CA  90232
T: 310-287-2340
Open Tuesday – Saturday, Noon to 6:00pm

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The Scarlett Gallery Presents: Shai Dahan “Vice & Virtue” (Stockholm, Sweden)

“Vice and Virtue”

The Scarlett Gallery is pleased to present a solo exhibition by Shai Dahan.

The former New Yorker, now residing in Sweden, will be presenting a body of new work in his first solo Stockholm show.

The artist is known for his iconic realistic rendition of the Swedish Dala Horses. Shai uses them as a metaphor for urban art to create a dialogue between the conformity and foundation of Royal history and the scorned graffiti culture that authoritative leaders have tried to prevent from advancement. VICE & VIRTUE is a symbolic alteration of Swedish Royal figures and sovereignty ripped apart by unbound graffiti impressions. In vivid forms of graffiti tags, Swedish Royal and monarch names dating back centuries, are placed in almost an architectural manner to decorate figures to poetically carry vandalism into art.

Shai’s work is captivating, thought provoking and yet emotionally positive. His gallery work is an expressive way of bringing this urban artistry into a more delicate environment while still maintaining its attractive elegance. Shai has been featured in magazines and books worldwide, and has taken part in multiple urban art projects around the world including New York, Los Angeles, Canada, Madrid and Sweden. He has exhibited internationally and has also painted murals across the U.S. and Europe

Currently, residing in Borås, Sweden with his wife and two dogs where he continues to paint and exhibit internationally.

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Lala Gallery Presents: “LA Freewalls Inside” (Los Angeles, CA)

LA Freewalls Inside

Dear Friends, 

We are incredibly proud to announce the opening of LALA Gallery on Saturday, April 21, 2012 where we will be presenting LA Freewalls Inside.
LA Freewalls Inside is a group show featuring over 40 artists who have helped make Downtown Los Angeles one of the biggest and most recognizable public art spaces in the world, including Shepard Fairey, SWOON, HOW and NOSM. Keep a lookout as we unveil the final line-up over the next two weeks.
So spread the word, bring a friend and help us break-in the space for the first of what will be many, many, more events.
– Daniel Lahoda, LALA Gallery
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Sowat and Lek Presents: “Mausolee” Art show and Book Release (Paris, France)


On August 12, 2010, Lek and Sowat found an abandoned supermarket in the north of Paris. For a year, in the greatest of secrets, both artists continuously wandered in this 430,000 sq ft monument to paint murals and organize an illegal artistic residency, inviting forty French graffiti artists to collaborate, from the first to the last generation of the graffiti movement.  Together they built a Mausoleum, a temple dedicated to their disappearing underground culture, slowly being replaced by street art and its global pop aesthetics.

R. Skyronka (photo © R.Skyronka)


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941 Geary Gallery Presents: Herakut: “Loving the Exiled” (San Francisco, CA)


gaze out at us with eyes both sad and resigned, asking nothing of us but a basic empathy.

From the Artists:

We like to see each Herakut piece as the sum of a dialogue between Hera and Akut, a synthesis, a conclusion. And often this final thought is the first line of a new discussion, a new dialogue that will lead up to a new piece of art. That is how we have worked ever since we teamed up in 2004. Over the past years of collaborating, our palette has changed, of course, and we have learned to blend our different techniques, my sketchy lines and Akut ́s realism, ever smoother. It’s actually pretty funny that we do not even talk about the actual painting process. We only talk about the content. Our discussions take place in the world of reason and philosophy. What our hands actually do with our spray-paint is left up to them really. We just focus on telling a story. If the piece turns out pretty or not, is just a side-effect. The thoughts they carry are what we worry about. The messages are what we spend our days on.

To the San Francisco show we will be bringing characters that have fallen from grace. We took a look to the banned and exiled, the abandoned child that first cries of fear and then of rage, flocks of scapegoats, a choir of arch enemies, the outlawed, the out- numbered, the ones that know they are very last of their kind, the extinguished. When will we end up in their place?

Herakut is an artist duo made of Jasmin Siddiqui, born 1981 in Frankfurt, West Germany, and Falk Lehmann, born 1977 in Schmalkalden, East Germany. Their artistic style is as symbiotic as their name, which in itself is the symbiosis of the two individual graffiti synonyms Hera and Akut. A love for traveling and painting for the public eye are just a few of the things of the things Akut and Hera have in common. Their work, however, is based on bringing together contrasting elements: masculine vs. feminine, Eastern vs. Western, the roughness of Street Arts vs. the detail of Fine Arts.

Since 2004, Herakut has painted and exhibited in prestigious big cities like London, Berlin, New York and Paris, but have also spent a lot of valuable time painting the dirty sides of less glamorous cities such as Ekaterinburg, Russia or Campeche, Mexico. Both of Herakut ́s publications, The Perfect Merge published in 2009 and 2011’s After the Laughter have received great success, with the two books selling over 10,000 copies worldwide.

Contact 941Geary


941 Geary Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

Alternate entrance through the alleyway:

60 Myrtle Street

San Francisco, CA 94109

Phone: (415) 931-2500

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New Image Art Gallery Presents: “High Five!” A Group Show (Los Angeles, CA)

High Five!

New Image Art is excited to present “High Five,” a group-show featuring six artists with six very distinctive styles and voices beloved by New Image Art. Alia Penner, Ashley Macomber, Curtis Kulig, Deanna Templeton, Maya Hayuk, and Vanessa Prager will be filling the gallery with new paintings on paper and canvas, as well as a photography installation.


While remaining anomalous, Ashley Macomber’s thought-provoking paintings pay homage to the female surrealist movement and offer a nod to the technical styling of René Magritte. In a similar acknowledgment to the feminine surrealist movement is work of self-taught painter Vanessa Prager. Prager’s highly saturated works give way to a false sense of reality; her study of the universe feels accurate. Her portrayal of human behavior scratches at life’s emotional ups and downs, and the contrast between the bursts of color in the foreground and stark backgrounds reflects this natural turmoil. Curtis Kulig, maybe better known for his moniker “Love Me;” seen freely scribbled in a calligraphic-style both as graffiti and over canvases of solid fields. Focusing on the beauty of the line and word his signature leads the viewer to ponder the implications of “Love Me.” Is it the artist’s own insecurity or is it our own? Either way the honesty of the simple phrase – the desire, makes us smile and wish! And on the topic of Love, the psychedelic and geometric paintings of Maya Hayuk when boiling the combined components of light and dark, punk, and folk, can be reduced to reveal their truth, which is none other than Love. In the artist Alia Penner‘s eyes, everything looks better covered in rainbows. Not girly, pastel rainbows, but brilliant acid hues that bring to mind Peter Max and Sonia Delaunay. (Extract from NY Times Magazine) Documentary, and internationally acclaimed photographer, Deanna Templeton will be installing her iconic photographic images in a network of evenly spaced horizontal and vertical lines that will read as a single unit.


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C.A.V.E. Gallery Presents: Hellbent, BAYO and Haunted Euth New Works (Venice Beach, CA)

CAVE Gallery

Hellbent “Triptych”


C.A.V.E. Gallery is proud to present new works by:

BAYO – Inside-Outside

Bayo’s paintings depict visceral worlds, where the main character is the psyche as an axis of conflicts. His paint strokes signal a constant path where anxiety is inescapably contagious. Characters tend to avoid frontal sight, turning their eyes towards themselves and exposing their fragility. Dispirited forms allow us to prove that their author does not follow the statutes of reason. Each piece simultaneously depicts the rigor of obsessive details, the vagueness of repetition, and the sudden explosion of motion. All in an effort to express the architecture of his emotions, with a complexity that can never remain subtle.

 HELLBENT – A Quilted Life 

For his new series – “A Quilted Life”, Hellbent employs a variety of techniques that add a unique 3D quality to his work. He has developed a stencil technique that creates a kaleidoscope “quilt” of color in cubist patterns. The complex compositional puzzle of the background seems to push and pull behind bold imagery. Instead of a paint brush, Hellbent often uses a power drill to etch forms into wood panels. Always looking to expand his craft by exploring different techniques and mediums, Hellbent has also experimented with colored liquid glass – adding to the vibrant spectrum and resemblance of stained glass in his work. The complex color patterns are intricately layered, creating a dynamic and bold new collection.

HAUNTED EUTH – “All Gone Wrong

“My new work is entirely autobiographical – calling upon, navigating and negotiating the complex relationships and experiences I struggled to balance last year. Themes of addiction, love, struggle, fear and anxiety are paramount in the work I produced for this show. This new body of illustrations is a open acknowledgment to the past and signifies a new, positive outlook on the future.”

OPENING RECEPTION: Saturday, April 14th  6 – 10pm 

On view thru May 5

1108 Abbot Kinney Boulevard, Venice CA 90291 * Tel 310 450 6960  *  Wed thru Sun. 12-6PM

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From Here To Fame Publishing Present: Arabic Graffiti & Egyptian Street Art in Frankfurt. (Frankfurt, Germany)

From Here to Fame

Arabic Graffiti & Egyptian Street Art in Frankfurt

Graffiti artists from Egypt, Tunisia and Germany will create a street art gallery from 10th of April around the Tutankhamun exhibition hall in Frankfurt. Some of the best known and most active street artists from Egypt will participate, including Aya Tarek, Ammar Abo Bakr and Ganzeer. El Seed, a street artist from Tunisia whose work has influenced graffiti artists around the Arab world, and Andreas von Chrzanowski aka Case from Germany, who recently did murals in Egypt, complete this distinguished line-up.

Friday 13th of April

Opening of the Street Art Gallery

First Friday Egyptian Street Art & Arabic Graffiti
7:00 pm – Midnight

Arabic Graffiti – El Seed & Don Karl present the book and project
8:00 pm – Exhibition Foyer

Street Art of the Egyptian Revolution – Ganzeer & Don Karl
9:00 pm –  Exhibition Foyer
Tutankhamun exhibition hall, Mainzer Landstraße, Güterplatz, 60327 Frankfurt am Main

Since the start of the Arab uprisings the Middle East has seen an unparalleled explosion of graffiti. Many slogans which were later sung by the people on the streets first appeared on walls from Tunisia to Bahrain. Egypt has played a remarkable role in this phenomenon. Even when the army tanks rolled onto Tahrir Square in Cairo, they were immediately adorned with graffiti. Along with people from all walks of life, artists, calligraphers and designers took over the public space. In no time a vital and now globally acclaimed street art scene emerged. Arabic Graffiti is an intercultural project by From Here To Fame that involves artists, activists and academics from various Middle Eastern countries and their diasporas. Started as an art and book project, the recent events in the region have led to an active involvement of many participants in the transforming changes of the region. Events and exhibitions are currently being developed in Tunisia, Egypt, Lebanon, France and Germany.

The project  Arabic Graffiti & Egyptian Street Art is part of the Festival of Egyptian Culture, the program for the exhibition Tutankhamun – His tomb and treasures in Frankfurt.




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