Echoes of the Thwaites Glacier: Vegan Flava’s Latest Mural in Stockholm

From where you are, you may not be able to hear the tremendous sound of a falling 100-meter thick iceberg…

Vegan Flava continues to merge environmental activism with his striking street art in his latest mural, “Falling Mountains,” situated in Snösätragränd, Stockholm. Created during the Spring Beast Festival‘s 10th anniversary, this piece strikingly depicts the dramatic ice loss of the Thwaites glacier in West Antarctica. The mural features a breaching humpback whale, its body cracking like a calving glacier, symbolizing the impending threat of rising sea levels due to melting ice.

Vegan Flava. Falling Mountains. Snösätragränd (Snösätra Wall of Fame). Stockholm, Sweden. (photo © Vegan Flava)

The artist’s commitment to spotlighting urgent climate issues is powerfully evident in “Falling Mountains.” He employs the same compelling narrative techniques seen in his earlier works, utilizing natural elements and endangered species to highlight the fragility of our ecosystems. The whale, with its exposed roots, underscores the interconnectedness of life forms and the environment—a recurring theme in Vegan Flava’s art.

Vegan Flava. Falling Mountains. Snösätragränd (Snösätra Wall of Fame). Stockholm, Sweden. (photo © Fredric Sanabria)

Reflecting on his intent, Vegan Flava says, “From where you are, you may not be able to hear the tremendous sound of a falling 100-meter thick iceberg, but you can witness the melting of the Thwaites at any coast towards the sea.”

His mission is to make distant ecological phenomena tangible and urgent for urban audiences. Piece by piece, mural by mural, Vegan Flava seeks to inspire action and awareness about the profound impacts of climate change on our planet.

Vegan Flava. Falling Mountains. Snösätragränd (Snösätra Wall of Fame). Stockholm, Sweden. (photo © Vegan Flava)

Vegan Flava. Falling Mountains. Snösätragränd (Snösätra Wall of Fame). Stockholm, Sweden. (photo © Vegan Flava)

Vegan Flava extends his sincere thank you to all the people who supported my mural project, to Highlights store and Loop colors for the paint and to Snösätra Kultur for providing the wall and an unforgettable mural festival, and to all artist friends and colleagues whom he painted alongside.