In the vibrant neighborhood of Brindisi, nestled in Italy’s southern region, a new mural bears the distinct signature of artist Francesco Ferreri, widely known as Chekos’art. Aptly titled “Goddess of Paradise,” he hopes this mural symbolizes strength and protection for women. In its portrayal, we encounter a powerful woman, a fierce guardian who looks after her family and community.
Born in 1977 in Lecce, South Italy, Chekos’art has spent over two decades honing his skills in the world of street art. His artistic journey began in Milan, where he explored various mediums, from stencils to collage and drawing to video installations. His creative prowess has left an indelible mark across the streets of Italy and beyond, with his murals adorning walls in countries like Poland, Germany, France, Spain, and even as far-reaching as China and Indonesia.
In the mural “Goddess of Paradise,” Chekos’art employs the stencil technique to depict a woman with a proud and determined countenance, one evocative of the idea of strong, resilient women who nurture their families and communities. The mural is part of the PaStA Paradiso Street Art project, an urban regeneration initiative led by Arca Nord Salento. PaStA Paradiso aims to rejuvenate the Paradiso district of Brindisi, focusing on structural rehabilitation and energy efficiency improvements for the area’s buildings. The neighborhood itself is a place of contrasts, with a rich history filled with smuggling, soccer games, communal bonds, and a resilient spirit. Despite its ups and downs, Paradiso continues to evolve, striving for redemption and progress.
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