This harmonious collaboration blossomed from the creative synergy between two Italian artists, each wielding a distinctive technique. Despite their divergent artistic styles, common passions wove them together, affording them to seamlessly create a mural here in Vigone, Italy. Having featured them both within the pages of BSA, we have consistently been captivated by their concepts and their execution.
Their new mural, entitled “The Buck Moon – Super Luna del Cervo,” is a tribute to the Deer Supermoon described by Mr. Petani as “the most magnificent, luminous, and visually expansive lunar display due to an optical illusion. The Deer Supermoon graces the skies in early July and earns its name from the fact that this is the time when the antlers of male deer reach their peak size. According to legend, these antlers are believed to cast shadows on the moon’s light. This celestial event, historically linked to fertility and its sway over tides, marked an auspicious period in ancient times for various activities such as hair cutting, bottling, collecting medicinal herbs, sowing, fertilizing, and tending to plants”
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