You may think of that unelected global body called the World Economic Forum when you see the word, “Reset” today.
The buzzworthy term is bandied about so often today that you could be forgiven for thinking about the death of cash, programmable CBDC currency, streaming surveillance, and social credit systems. The would-be a major reset, wouldn’t it?
For anamorphic street artist Leon Keer participating at the We.mural festival in Sand City, California, his mind travels to someplace perhaps less sinister. He just knows that we appear as a global society to be going in the wrong direction in so many ways.
“This reset button may not be big enough,” he says. “For me, it is not about everyone’s personal situation, but a reset to a different way of dealing with each other and with how we deal with the world.”
Keer, along with artist Massina, completed this astounding perspective-bending feat right on the street. But you have to be in just the right spot to appreciate it.
Title: Reset
Where: Sand City – Monterey Bay California
Size: 59 ft x 13 ft
Material: Acrylics on asphalt
Artwork made with help of Massina.
Festival: We.Create Art mural festival with the support of Sand City Art Commitee and the Sand City Council
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