To coincide with world environment day the artist reveals ‘Transboundary Haze’.
“The main drivers of transboundary haze are man-made fires,” says street artist/fine artist Ernest Zacharevic in a statement about his new ‘Transboundary Haze’. “Palm oil and acacia, which are used for pulp and paper products, are burned. It results in a variety of ecological, economic and health effects.”

Leaving you to participate in this crossword in Malaysia, the street piece anticipates a rise in temperature along with the haze phenomenon this summer and demands that the topic be addressed during upcoming elections.

The Lithuanian artivist has used his talents to raise awareness of environmental issues previously and is hoping this new one will raise the level of awareness. “Living in Malaysia, the transboundary haze has become a natural part of life,” he says.”It’s a regular occurrence for many and from what I can see, it seems like people are just trying to learn to live with it rather than finding ways to prevent or solve it.”
“The government should enhance air quality governance, and strengthen the recognition of environmental rights,” says Greenpeace Malaysia campaigner Heng Kiah Chun, with whom Zacharevic worked on this new project. “Having a clean, healthy, and sustainable environment is a human right.”

Our special thanks to Charlotte Pyatt and to Ernest Zacharevic and the whole team for sharing this news with BSA readers.
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