The wall at Le M.U.R. in Paris got the Mode2 treatment just ahead of the legislative elections, offering a fine opportunity for the artist to wax politically. He created his message of empowerment on this fresco during the weekend of the Urban Art Fair in Paris after laying down the design in his sketchbook, he says on his Insta account.
It was “a LONG day”, he says, as he reached for a bit of a 90s atmosphere and greeted old friends and families who came to support him, document his work, share stories, and maybe have a quick meal with him.

In our rough translation, the OG writer, painter, historian, and keeper of the flame says, “I had come on a mission, more or less, no matter the circumstances, because the times we live in require of all of our extra efforts, to try to reverse the status quo that has been rotting our existence for more than four decades.”
Our many thanks to BSA contributor Tor Staale Moen for sharing his photos of Mode2 in action at Le M.U.R. in Paris.

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