Our weekly focus on the moving image and art in the streets. And other oddities.
Now screening:
1. CROSSROADS: Life in the Resilient City from Nils Clauss and Neil Dowling
2. VHILS – MEXICO A Film by Jose Pando Lucas
3. OS GEMEOS: SECRETS – Episode 01 – All paths lead to São Bento

BSA Special Feature: CROSSROADS: Life in the Resilient City
To live anywhere for any period, one needs to develope a certain resiliency, maybe even a strong cortex. During the Seoul Biennialle on Architecture and Urbanism this year, responsible urban growth was focused upon like never previously – with people and systems at their core.
“Five cities. Five stories. This documentary looks at the urban experience from the perspective of people living at the interface of the changing world. In New York, Seoul, Mumbai, Paris and Nairobi creativity and imagination is necessary to survive and thrive as the cities they live in constantly evolve.”
This is the narrative based on CROSSROADS : Building the Resilient City by
Dominique Perrault, General Director of Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021
CROSSROADS: Life in the Resilient City from Nils Clauss and Neil Dowling
VHILS – MEXICO A Film by Jose Pando Lucas
“I met a witch. The most beautiful of all witches,” begins the latest fable by VHILS, as he travels from his home in Portugal to this land, one of magic and realism. Directed by Jose Pando Lucas.
OS GEMEOS: SECRETS – Episode 01 – All paths lead to São Bento
Here is a secret from the twins that you may not have known: all paths lead to São Bento. There are more secrets to be revealed here as the retelling of the genesis tales of graffiti and hip hop culture continue to come forth and to take their rightful position in the history that formed our culture today.
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