Because Everything: New Narratives from Sticker Maul

Every season brings new artists to the street art scene, while others leave town, or simply fade away. The summer, born in the age of Covid-19 and #BLM when the federal government tries its latest attempt to kill off postal services so it can privatize one more thing the taxpayers used to own, we now see work in New York re-engineering that time-honored graffiti-tag vehicle, the USPS address sticker.

Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)

Sticker Maul is a mixed-media collagist with a loose style of irony and a textual wit paired with photos, as well as straight-up wordplay. Topics are vaguely social, mainly clever, the demeanor sincere without pomposity. These are good qualities for an artist working within a smaller canvas on the street who wants to “cut through the clutter” – and its working!

Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)
Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)
Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)
Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)
Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)
Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)
Sticker Maul (photo Jaime Rojo)