When times are suddenly hard, you have to be creative.
Many artists have gone without work in the last month across the US and Europe and elsewhere – their freelance jobs have dried up, their side hustle stopped hustling.

Artist Matthew Burrows from Sussex in England has come up with a way for a growing number of artists to band together and help one another, to alleviate a little of the financial insecurity, to gain greater exposure to potential buyers, and strengthen their personal networks with one another. What was initially a local effort appears to be successfully spreading internationally.

The ARTIST SUPPORT PLEDGE is not complicated and depends on the honor system. Post one of your works on Instagram for sale at 200 dollars (or Euros) and use the hashtag #artistsupportpledge. Every time your sales reach $1000, you pledge to spend $200 on another artists work.

This sounds like an excellent way to leverage support and circulate at least some wealth in the greater artist community. Also, there is nothing like have the great satisfaction of supporting one another, and feeling supported.
If you have $200 to buy art, we heartily encourage you to check out #artistsupportpledge today!
#artistsupportpledge on Instagram

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