Make sure you stop by the deli when your near Rockefeller Center.
You know, Lucy Sparrow’s Delicatessen. The ingenious bodega ingénue and felt-crafting queen of the quotidian is back in NYC with her handmade recreation of a New Yorker’s corner grocery store. Each item is painstakingly recreated – at once making you smile and perhaps drawing attention to the coy futility of clever packaging that makes you buy stuff like Hornell Chili and Royal Pink Salmon, as if that were normal.
“Her practice is quirky yet subversive,” says the new press release for this temporary pop-up installation, “luring the audience in with her soft, tactile, colorful felt creations that represent themes of consumerism and consumption.” An interactive public art project on 49th street and 6th Avenue in Manhattan, Sparrow’s uncanny and canned humor will make you laugh, and if you are so moved, buy. Pick us up a quart of milk while you’re down there, won’t you?
Lucy Sparrow’s Delicatessen on 6th is currently on view at Rockefeller Center on 6th Avenue until October 20th. Click HERE for more information, hours and directions.
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