It’s a good practice to rethink your city – especially when you imagine it to be something more than it is. Beginning in 2016 the picturesque city of Sisak in Croatia (pop 48,000) invoked the practice with Re:Think Sisak to look again at public space and imagine artistic interventions. Running during the first half of June, it began with regional artists and has extended the list further afield each year.

Polish Street Artist Nespoon brought her lace motifs to the side of a building, with the help of the local fire department. A first time experience for her to have such assistance, she tells us “the officers were extremely nice and helpful- they operated the lift, and didn’t seem to mind sitting in the full sun for 10 hours.”
As she has in recent years, Nespoon also installed one of her fired ceramic pieces on the street, furthering her practice to another discipline.

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