As we draw closer to the new year we’ve asked a very special guest every day to take a moment to reflect on 2018 and to tell us about one photograph that best captures the year for them. It’s a box of treats to surprise you with every day – and conjure our hopes and wishes for 2019. This is our way of sharing the sweetness of the season and of saying ‘Thank You’ to you for inspiring us throughout the year.
Today’s special guest:
Tony Depew, Street Artist, painter, poet
This image selected is from July 6, 2018, and depicts a friend playing around on a trash can I had painted in Canton, Ohio, 2007. I had chosen this image because it reminds me of fun happy silly times, yet, a sort of sadness exudes from the eyes on the trash can.
Recently I noticed the sign on the pole reads- Burn Calories, Stress Less, Get healthy— and found that to be a nice motto. As for 2019, there are many things I think about and wish for— but as long as I’m a better version of myself, and still creating— that’s what really matters.
Artist: Tony DePew
Location: Canton, Ohio.
Date: July 2018
Photographer: Tony DePew
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