Collectives of artists frequently form based on common styles, interests, and philosophies. In Barcelona an all female group of artists coalesced to form The Hate Lovers a few years ago to promote the empowerment of women in creative fields.
The Hate Lovers. “Save The Planet“. Contorno Urbano Foundation. Kaligrafics. 12 + 1 Project. San Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona. (photo © Alex Miró)
Founded by Spanish graffiti/Street Artists Malicia and Vegan Bunnies, The Hate Lovers participate in group shows and aerosol jams in Spain to advocate for feminism and greater recognition of female artists in street and contemporary art.
With backgrounds in painting, illustration, photography, and tattoo, the troupe creates a variety of murals and frescoes, including this new character-based, cartoon-style imagery that excites kids and engages adults in Sant Feliu de Llobregat.
The Hate Lovers. “Save The Planet“. Contorno Urbano Foundation. Kaligrafics. 12 + 1 Project. San Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona. (photo © Alex Miró)
They tell us that they’re focused on our collective misuse of the planet’s resources, creating “a mural full of details that denounce our lack of commitment to the environment.”
It is all part of a broad outreach of styles and practices that Contorno Urbano has facilitated on Barcelona streets to give artists a platform to show their work and to give city folk new art to think about and react to.
The Hate Lovers. “Save The Planet“. Contorno Urbano Foundation. Kaligrafics. 12 + 1 Project. San Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona. (photo © Alex Miró)
The Hate Lovers. “Save The Planet“. Contorno Urbano Foundation. Kaligrafics. 12 + 1 Project. San Feliu de Llobregat, Barcelona. (photo © Alex Miró)
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