Images today from La Nau Bostik, an artist run complex in Barcelona that aims to be sustainable, inspirational, and a breathing living cultural oasis. By most accounts, it succeeds wildly.
Murals often accompany citizen-run cultural initiatives and art spaces like these, frequently to great effect. The spaces are raw and neglected and needs a sense of life and color; new narratives to fill the space with interactions and hopefully inspire collaboration.
Juanjo Surace. Detail. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Xavier Basiana and his cultural compatriots have established a community cultural and intellectual place in a settlement of ex-industrial warehouses over the last decade along the train tracks in La Sagrera, and the once barren soil now sprouts an ever growing crop of portraits, characters, fantasies, political and social messages.
In cities that we have the opportunity to visit we occasionally get to see these vibrant spaces like La Nau Bostik, now a cultural fixture that draws thousands throughout the year for a rich mix of programming and engagement. Surrounded by great organic works on the walls by fine artists and current or former Street Artists and graffiti writers, the environment seems to foster a re-generation of people-fueled ideas for progress, problem solving and dreaming.
Ivan Floro. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Without the synergistic effects of weaving all of these elements of education, celebration, theater, academic examination, civic engagement, the plastic arts, performance, labor, and commerce, these places may not be able to offer a safe place for free thought and internal exploration. As ever, it is the combined effect of a variety of talents that creates the greater sum. With so many factors and parties at play, maintaining a sense of balance is an ongoing goal.
Today we are happy to visit this arts space via the camera work of photographer Lluis Olive Bulbena, who we thank for sharing his images with BSA readers.
Miquel Wert. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
SM172. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Ant Carver. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
MAR. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Tim Marsh. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Vassilis Rebelos. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
OneTruth Bros. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Oxalien . Konair. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
Juanjo Surace. Nau Bostik, Barcelona. (photo LluÍs Olivé Bulbena)
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