When muralist Marina Capdevila is in Miami her senior ladies are in a convertible heading to the beach and when in Brooklyn they buy a hamburger and fries on the sidewalk.
Now visiting a winery cooperative just south of her native Barcelona, the illustrator chooses men and donkeys.
Marina Capdevila. Gratallops, Spain. April 2017. (photo © lluis Olive Bulbena)
“The mural commemorates the 100 years of the Gratallops Winery Cooperative,” says photographer Lluis Olive Bulbena, who shares some images of the new mural.
“Gratallops is a small municipality of 250 inhabitants about 180 km south of Barcelona, part of the famous wine region of Priorat.” Absent Capdevila’s typical on-point observations of seniors encountering the modern world with irony, the characters and action here are more typical and straightforward, but still with a sense of humor.
Marina Capdevila. Gratallops, Spain. April 2017. (photo © lluis Olive Bulbena)
Marina Capdevila. Gratallops, Spain. April 2017. (photo © lluis Olive Bulbena)
To learn more about the winery cooperative in Gratallops, click HERE.
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