You know how to do windmills right?
Here Norway’s Strok brings them to a wall at Hsinchu International Land Art Festival in this Taiwanese city known for being very windy. He’s been experimenting with perspectives and angles on the figure and here he brings the classic bboy move to the wall to defy gravity and fly through the air.
Strøk. Hsinchu International Land Art Festival. Taiwan. July 2016. (photo © Strøk)
Strøk. Hsinchu International Land Art Festival. Taiwan. July 2016. (photo © Strøk)
Strøk had some help from a lift operator while painting who had to take a break periodically to check on a very fine feathered friend. “He rescued a small baby sparrow that had fallen out of its nest during the recent typhoon,” Strøk says of his new friend. “He kept it in a nest in a basket inside his operator hut and was feeding it at regular intervals.”
Strøk. Hsinchu International Land Art Festival. Taiwan. July 2016. (photo © Strøk)
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