Go to Hell!
Pay your fare!
In Greek mythology there is a ferry man who will take you there in a boat. Skount brings all of this to the beach in Amsterdam in a quick mural he put up last week.
In his capitalist critique, only the rich can afford the ride across the rivers Styx and Acheron into Hades (Hell) in this painting of the Charon (ferryman).
“A coin used to be paid to Charon for passage, usually an obolus or danake, was sometimes placed in or on the mouth of a dead person. The people who could not pay the fee, or those whose bodies were left unburied, has to wander the shores for one hundred of years,” he says.
Bon Voyage!
Skount. Amsterdam. June 2016, (photo © Skount)
Skount. Amsterdam. June 2016, (photo © Skount)
Skount. Amsterdam. June 2016, (photo © Skount)
Skount. Amsterdam. June 2016, (photo © Skount)
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